
Which are the little things which usually put you... in check-mate?

by  |  earlier

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Which are the little things which usually put you... in check-mate?




  1. Queen to King's bishop seven.

    Your move.

  2. The little things are pawns.

    But they rarely put me in check-mate because they're little.

    What gets me in trouble are the big things... my ego. ;-)

  3. letting people in to close...not guarding the walls to my heart too strongly or more so smartly... allowing myself to  believe when i know i shouldn't... to let my thoughts go to a place which is unknown to me... letting others impact my decisions and my life... letting people know me so well that i have no defenses left...that's where i lose the game =)!

  4. Present little concerns if not attended to immediately can be very irritating in time and some have even put me in check mate.  The sooner I treat a mole hill as a mountain and begin to find a solution I will be the one to say check-mate to the problem.

  5. Believing in the good of the people around me-looking for the person I am in others. Hence my circle is small and my wounds have been deep.

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