
Which are the major terrorist centres in india?

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  1. india is the major terrorist centre in india.

  2. I believe they are in every nook and corner of our country because our country is a free country. No checking any where. No Identity card to identify whether one is rreally an Indian or a foreigner. Pakistani, Bangaladeshi, Indians all look alike and almost all these Natioinalities can speak some what good Hindi. If they want temporary Ration Card, Passport or Temporary passport, Travel documents, residence certificate, Mobile telephone connection, BSNL telephone connection  etc this will be provided with the connivance of Government officials working in these department for a very very small bribe amount. So terrorist are spread all over the country. They are holding regular meetings to plan their next series of explosions.

    Coming specifically terrorists are operating mainly from southern park of our country. Because our security forces were paying more attention in border states upto this time. Now they know it is better to operate from much interior places such as Bangalore, Calicut, Hyderabad, Nagpur, Mumbai, Gujarat etc which we have already experienced. Our own youth are forming organisations for anti-national activities like SIMI and our security forces cannot do any thing much about it. There is only Indian Penal Code to book these culprits. They should be dealt with special laws because they are traitors and should be treated more hardly. For this purpose our Central Government has to make special laws like TADA which they are not ready to do eyeing on  vote bank for the next General Election.  Under this special law if a man is caught for involving in anti-national activities, they should be put behind bar for more period of time without trial  and they should be questioned and the police can find out all the roots and annehiliate the whole group giving support for such activities.

  3. all india

  4. In india they are lying in the toilet of every iindia  The only thing whih we need to do is to FLUSH them using a toilet cleaner!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. kashmir,




    besides, they are at Andhra pradesh and in other parts like orissa.

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