
Which are the most beautifull cities in Spain?

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Which are the most beautifull cities in Spain?




  1. I add Oviedo (north of Spain). It is gorgeous!!! Woody allen said about it that it is like a fairy tale.

  2. Salamanca its in the north of spain

  3. to add also

    Barcelona, Santiago de Compostela, Santilana del Mar & Toledo in the old Jewish side of town.  Try Granada for the AL Hambra, I heard it's really architecturally different

  4. Sevilla, Salamanca, Madrid

  5. Madrid and since you are here,visit also Toledo(it's about 50 km.),go to the south and you'll enjoy Sevilla,Cadiz and Malaga and than return to the east coast and visit Barcelona.

  6. My favorite is Seville Spain because of the lay out and it offers a great night life but also some very old historic views. Cadiz is also nice and appealing. Madrid is wonderful but busy and is losing it's old world feeling to business and industry.

  7. San Sebastian, Toledo, Barcelona.

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