
Which are you more afraid of?

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to die young and famous, to get chronicle illness, or to be homeless forever.




  1. I would abhor being famous, but if that were my lot in life, I am sure I wuld find a way to preserve my privacy, and no one has any control over death, no matter what the circumstances.

    I have been homeless...not pleasant, and would certainly not stay that way by choice, but definitely a learning experience.

    Ilness would be the greater fear for me because sickness attacks one's very being.  It could leave me completely dependent and reliant on others to meet my most basic needs of food, shelter, and management of bodily functions.  To have no choice, no strength, and no capability to perform basic daily tasks and routines...

    Yes...that I would fear if I allowed myself to dwell on the thought.

  2. to live an easy life.

  3. chronic illness

  4. chronic illness.

  5. i would fear homeless forever because i wouldn't have many people beside me, when i'm dying and i would die in a lot of pain and very slowly, even if i had an ilness i would have sumone beside my to console and support me.  

  6. I'm already past young, so that doesn't bother me on a practical basis. Homeless is something, if you're healthy, you can work to fix, don't believe in forever - what things do, is change, always, for good or ill, they change. So I'd most fear chronic illness.

  7. young famous.

  8. alll of them

  9. Being homeless forever.  

  10. I'm not afraid of death or the looming of it. So I would say being homeless forever would be the worst.

  11. For me I am not afraid of any of these because I believe God will give me a long life. He is my Jehovah Jireh  whcih means my provider.He promises to be that for me and he is faithful so I take him up on his promise.

  12. Well, in a sense we, all of us, suffer from all three of those conditions.  Our lives are short compared to the geological ages, fame is an illusion as what people know of the famous is an illusion, we all get a chronic disease called old age if we live long enough, and our real home is what you left when you grew up.

    But why be afraid of any of those?  Might as well be afraid of breathing because each inhale must be followed by an exhale.

  13. homeless forever, dying famous would put me in the public eye which i wouldnt mind at all... to be noticed.

    chronic illness would at leats give me a chance to tie up loose ends and would probrably make me a better person due to the fact that i could apologize to people and stuff.

    homeless forever... with out a chance of having a home... yeah don't like it

    third one

  14. I fear being the same thing forever the most, especially if it's something I would hate the most.  So I would have to go with being homeless forever.

  15. Fear is such a waste of mental energy that just prevents people from enjoying life. These things could happen. The chances are so remote that they don't even come onto my radar.

  16. Chronic illness. That is the only one that would potentially be painful.  

  17. being homeless forever!

  18. probably the middle one.

  19. dieing young and famous would be great. i couldnt live with chronic sickness, homelessness would suck

  20. Definitely that chronicle illness..

  21. Homeless :(

  22. homeless forever

  23. all of them i get afraid of but the most one is : to die young and famous

  24. none of the above  

  25. To die famous would suck.  

  26. young and famous is the way to go, better to burn out than fade away. i have a thing for ascetic monks. if an indian prince could live homeless forever, so could I. if the illness is painful and inconvenient, that would be the worst. but otherwise it might make you live fuller everyday.

  27. I'm not afraid of any of them because I know everything is temporary I can choose to be happy out of any situations.

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