
Which area will increase due to global warming?

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Which area will increase due to global warming?




  1. China+America

    cause of the cars and ships and airplanes and etc! and dirty+filthy air!!!!!!!

  2. only al gore's assets !

  3. The only area that will increase will be government budgets.

  4. sea water area

  5. Area of seas.

  6. Water

  7. area under water

  8. I don't know if regional forecast of climate can be determined yet.  This was a major difficulty years ago, and I think it has not been resolved yet.  When I did my MS around 1990, I was looking at the economic consequences of the potential impacts of climate change in the southern US.   I looked for regional estimates of climate then and found a few, but the impacts ranged from the Southern US becoming more tropical with more growth to more dry and turning more like a grass savanna (forest die off - at least in the lower coastal plain). Very big difference. Not very useful for planning.

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