
Which argument was most likely used by southerns to defent the institution of slavery?

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This is for my history class that i am having trouble with. Sources would be good too, but i'd take what i can get.

Only one of the choices! This questionaire is multpile choice.

Thank you!


Which of the following arguments was most likely to have been used by southerners in the 1830s and 1840s to defend the institution of slavery?

A. It is true that slavery is an evil within human society, but for economic reasons it is presently a necessary evil.

B. Society is ordered in a particular way by the dictates of nature, and nature has ordained that blacks are born to be slaves

C. All whites are born to be free and equal, but all nonwhites are frowned on by God and were born to be slaves.

D. Human beings are equal in the sight of God only if that they have accepted the tenets of Christianity; there, non-Christians may be enslaved.




  1. Depends, in the courth or basically at congress, A, but for the common southerner C, Choose C

    A Is what the south made up to tell the north who frowned on slavery,

    C its what the common southerner believed in, so even after the slaves were freed, they were treated like dirt because of that view, even today, this view is still accepted by some people.

  2. A.

  3. A and C are your best options.

    Example for Answer A: "slavery was considered in light of the political and economic revolutions threatening Europe at mid-century"

    Example for Answer C: "the slaveholders considered slavery within the theological context of the Abrahamic household, where unequals-master and servant, man and woman, parent and child-constituted a common good not reducible to the abstract equality of a contract"

  4. The thoughts of southerners defending slavery was that it was the natural order of things. You owned cattle and horses, you owned slaves. On tax records they show up as having a value just like every other domesticated beast of labor on your plantation. Don't ever think that slavery was anything but suppressive,dirty,mind numbing, and  intolerable.There was no good defense for this particular institution. B is your best answer.

  5. Given the theology of most churches at that time I would say B.  The view of that day was that everything happened because it was God's will.  Therefore slavery existed because it was God's will and slavery would end when it is God's will for it to end.  The bible was used as justification of slavery because it does not forbid slavery but rather gives instruction for both master and slave.  Needless to say, some texts of the bible were quoted more than others.  Also, the Southern plantation owners were very wealthy by the standards of that day, and likewise were very educated.  They would cite classical works of Aristotle, Plato and others for more justification of slavery. This lead to the attitude as seen in answer A, and to the feeling of white superiority as on part of poor whites as seen in C.

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