
Which arm of the military would you join if you had the choice - Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marines?

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Which arm of the military would you join if you had the choice - Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marines?




  1. The Marines because they are best trained branch of the armed forces and they also have the uniforms. An being a marine doesn't mean your going be stationed in Iraq or Afghanistan thats more like the army's job. The marines are stationed all over the world. But to be honest the only down side that they are using older equipment (Army is about the new weaponry) like the M16 you know.  

  2. I did Navy.

    I would do it again.

    Mostly for the higher pay though.

    I did a lot of investing so it made my retirement easier.

  3. They Navy because they do the most traveling. I did 1 enlistment and have been to many different countries.  

  4. The only branch I haven't been in is the Navy.

    Marine Corps: 12 Years

    Army National Guard: 3

    and currently in Air National Guard: since 2001

    Its not the branch but what you make of it... Ive enjoyed many aspects of each, and have disliked others... Study your options and choose...

    Good Luck!

  5. I was in the Army. And I'd do it again.........

  6. Did before and would again. Air Force.

  7. I had a choice, and I went with the Air Force.  I probably would have joined the Navy, but my dad was Navy, and I was mad at him that year.

    EDIT:  for This Guy - things may have changed, but when I was in the Air Force most of those hot chicks were playing for the other team, if you know what I mean.  I didn't ask, and they didn't tell, but.............

  8. 1,Air Force

    2. Army


    and if I had absolutely no choice Marines..

    Sorry Marines but I'm scared to death of that branch

  9. Did 21+ years in the Air Force.  No regrets, and would do it all over again without a second thought.  Might make a couple of different career choices based upon what I know now, but nothing earth shattering.

    However what worked for me may will not work for you.  Any one of the services will give you great training and opportunities to excel.  It's what you make of it.

  10. Air force. FLYBOYS BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. I was a Marine, and no disrespect but after being a Marine there is no other way I could join another branch. As much as I got sick of it I loved being part of it. The other branches are probably a lot easier (except certain jobs or things) but Marine Corps all the way. But like someone said, itis what you make of it.


    If I had to choose and couldnt choose the Marine Corps or the Army I would go to the Air Force they have a lot of hot chics and a lot of them. I would go off to the wild blue yonder with them anyday.

  12. Army All The Way...21 Years. Largest branch, more promotions, tons of places to go

    Thought the Navy was g*y...Didn't want to be stuck on a boat with a bunch of dudes.

    The Air Force isn't really the military...The softest of the branches

    The Marines are too brainwashed. I recruited a lot of prior service Marines in California who got sold on the uniform, and the image. All show and no substance, plus they take all of our hand me down equipment.

  13. Air Force for sure!! Then the Marines.

  14. The Marines because of their amazing military history especially at Belleau Wood and at Chosin Reservoir.

    They're also consider the best and most elite fighting force in the US Armed Forces.

    "Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference. The Marines don't have that problem."

    President Ronald Ragan, 1985

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