
Which aspect/s in a natal chart indicate love for animals &/or someone who has a way in communicating w/ them?

by Guest59285  |  earlier

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Like someone who has a "soft touch" with animals.. eg. can easily tame/ pet animals even the seemingly wild ones?




  1. Hello!

    This is a very interesting question. Unfortunately I am not able to give you a specific and professional answer. However, try looking at the aspects of Neptune and Venus positioned in your chart. The star signs of Pisces, Aquarius, Gemini, Libra are also known for their humanitarian characteristics. Check to see where these are located as well...  Hope this helps.... a little!  

  2. I've been told that small pets are found in the 6th house and 12th is the house of large animals. One would expect to see something "nuturing" (such as Cancer or Pisces) or earthy (such as Virgo or Taurus) in those houses. I suppose a 6th in Leo (like mine) could indicate a "family" of small animals..I have a small herd, and they are all family. Positive aspects of Mercury with those houses could provide the communication skills to cross the animal/human barrier. Positive aspects of Saturn with those house placements could help with the "control" and teaching aspects of animal training.

  3. Hi Alter Ego

    The 6th house, Virgo, definitely rules small pets, and the love for them depending on the planets involved,  whereas the 12th, has more rule over the larger animals and injuries caused by them. (6th house from the 6th)

    I have seen people with Pisces in 6th have a love for water, thus aquariums , fishes etc... Sagittarius (half animal/half human) in 12th is often seen in Veterinarian chart also indicating love for animal but not wanting to see them suffer.

    I have also seen Gemini in 6th with many cat lovers.

    edit....I agree with Irish Sailor, Leo on the 6th would certainly indicate a love for bigger animals, at least, bigger than a turtle.

    These are just observations from charts I remember. Personally, I have a pure breed miniature collie and roughly, 20 birds from parrots down to the smaller size love birds.

    Hmmmmm, I have 27 deg Aries on 6th with mostly all of Taurus. I think Virgo in MC with 4 planets including Mercury conj. MC would probably account for my love of parrots and birds. Mercury rules the speech, and ruling Gemini as well would probably indicate flying species.

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