
Which astrological signs are the 'Lord and Lady'? (mythology/celtic and pagan beliefs)

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I read somewhere long ago that the Lord was a Capricorn and the Lady was a Scorpio. I have no idea where I read it at before, but it was very interesting!

Has anyone ever heard of this before? If so, do you have any idea where to find more information relating to it? (I've searched around but can't seem to find anything good..)




  1. You are absolutely right and the Capricorn / Scorpio signs are very compatible

  2. Being a Capricorn I've done my share of research on the sign and yes I did find somewhere a long time ago that a Capricorn is the Lord. I don't know about the Lady though. Capricorn is a cardinal sign and it's direct opposite is Cancer, so I guess Cancer might be the Lady?

  3. I am not sure where they go the correspondent of that for the goddess, but the god is born under Capricorn.

  4. Well, the most basic of signs for the Wiccan Lord and Lady are the Sun and the Moon. I've yet to hear of astrological signs, since the Lord and Lady weren't really "born" in the way we understand it.

  5. Well the lord is often considered equivalent to the Sun, so you could say Leo (sun-ruled sign). The lady is often considered equivalent to the moon, so you could say Cancer (moon-ruled sign).

  6. Well, I believe, from personal experience and speculation between friends that the lord or Ultimate male of the zodiac is Aries and the ultimate female is Piscies.

    They could also be refering to Gemini. Gemini is known as the twins but sometimes it's called the lovers as well.  

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