
Which astrology is better and accurate?? Vedic (Hindu) astrology or the Western astrology?

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  1. Which is better, an apple or an orange?

    Personally, I prefer Western Tropical Astrology, but I have seen people get excellent results from Vedic astrology. I prefer Western because it is less "fate" oriented and more "free will" based, but both systems seem to work quite well in the hands of a professional committed to astrology.


    And don't worry about people dissing astrology. They are just scientific versions of Christian missionaries trying oh so hard to tell us the "truth" and convert the heathen natives.

  2. I won't give you my opinion of astrology, then.  You already know what it is.

    But I'll challenge you to ask a friend to cut a few days worth of astrological predictions out of the paper, and trim off any identifying labels, dates, etc, and then scramble them.  You should then pick out the ones that apply to you.  Compare these to the originals, and see if you can pick out the predictions for your sign consistently.  My guess is that you can't.

    The stage magician James Randi has made a 2nd career out of debunking this sort of stuff.  He has a standing offer of $1 million for anyone who can demonstrate psychic powers, magic, or anything paranormal under laboratory conditions.  So far, nobody has claimed a dime from him.  Most won't even try, for fear of looking like fools.

  3. I'm gonna have to say Western being that it is the only one that I really understand

  4. Vedic astrology is the oldest and the purest form of Astrology.

    Vedic Astrology follows the Niryana or the sidereal zodiac, where as the  Western Astrology follows the Sayana or the tropical zodiac. Its a highly complicated astronomical subject. Briefly the fundamentals are as follows.

    The placement and especially the degrees of the planets in the birth chart of a person made according to western astrology differ considerably from the birth chart made according to Indian astrology. According to the western sun signs Sun enters Aries on 21st of March but according to our calculations it enters Aries on the 14th of April. So there is a 24 degrees difference. The Western or “Sayana” zodiac system makes calculations and predictions based on the present position of the planets from a zodiacal point of view or AS OBSERVED BY THE SATELLITES.

    Our system is called "Nirayana” or Indian System. In the Nirayana system, the planetary positions are AS SEEN FROM EARTH TODAY by taking into account the tilting of the North pole by making corrections accordingly.

    If you take the standard globe available in the market and keep it on the table, you will observe that the North and the south poles are not exactly 90 degrees vertically up but are tilting. This inclination is about 23+ degrees to the east and it greatly effects astronomical calculations.

    This inclination is caused due to the shifting of the vernal equinox, which happens because of the West to East spin of the earth around its axis. While playing tennis or table tennis, if you give a sideways spin to the ball it not only spins in the direction of the spin but also swerves or swings in the air. Similarly as the earth is spinning towards the east on its axis, the North Pole is slowly tilting towards the east. This difference between the longitudes of the starting points of the sidereal and tropical zodiacs is called Ayanamsha. The starting points of the sidereal and tropical zodiacs coincides once in every 25,800 years approximately. According to accurate scientific calculations, the present shift started in the year 285 AD, i.e. 285 years ago the North Pole was perfectly vertical at 90 degrees. The most accurate method of calculating this ayanamsa is the Chitrapaksha ayanamsa, popularly called Lahiri Ayanamsa.

    The ayanamsa calculations of the Greeks like Hippocras and Ptolemy were wrong. The western scientists are officially "credited" with the "discovery" of the accurate shifting of the earths equinox towards the end of the 19th century. They found it to be 50". It was actually known to the Hindu astrologers long before that. Varahamihira, the famous astrologer in the court of Vikramaditya in the year 57BC, clearly mentioned in his work Pancha Siddhantika, based on our ancient Siddhantas, that the ayanamsa is 50.32 seconds. This is the most accurate one.

    The difference between the Sayana longitudes and the Nirayana longitudes of Planets is called "Ayanamsa" or precision. This Ayanamsa difference is the exactly calculated shift or inclination of the equinox. For example on this day on 23rd June 08, the exact Ayanamsa or the tilt is 23:58:43 degrees. From the longitude poison of the planets in the Zodiac at this moment, when this Ayanamsa is deducted, we get the correct longitude of the planets as applicable to our position on earth. In the western system as this shift of the equinox is not taken into account, all the planets are about 24 degrees ahead.

    Even the smallest difference in the degrees of calculation will produce very very vast difference in the astronomical scale.No wonder many people read western astrological charts and say that they don't fit the descriptions.And people who go with western astrology are the ones who have never ever heard of vedic astrology.To a person who has never seen heaven ,earth will seem to be the true heaven.Its like theory of relativity.

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