
Which aternative fuel is the best?

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  1. solar energy,

    because it is pollution free, free of cost, unlimitedly available

  2. joe cell or the advancment of bj's proton cell technology is the best of all it is the most outstanding device that will change the world. Because I have one working right now it doesn't need fossil fuel, or solar power , wind energy to produce power it only needs proto cell to power up all of our appliances even vehicles can power it. even you don't turn off your car engine for a month.

    But for now I cannot tell you the details for my personal reasons it might become my threat to my life because oil companies hate guys like me who research and have a prototype of proton cell have threathening or bribing because they feel insecure that one day oil companies may just collapse because of this revolutionized technology

  3. The country needs to begin having an "honest" conversation about the "costs and consequences" of ethanol regulations.

        While most people are focusing on rising gas prices, world food prices are also soaring -- and those soaring prices are having a "devastating" effect on people.

        Many people are now going hungry; and while there are a lot of reasons for the rising cost of food, ethanol mandates are a part of that and it is something that the Greenies need to think seriously about changing.

        Reports suggests that bio-fuel production contributes to about one-third of the rising cost of food. As farmers switch crops in order to grow more corn for bio-fuel, that has a negative impact on the price of wheat and other grains. And the excess corn production does not enter the food market.

  4. Personally I would have to go with hydrogen.

    The combustion of it only produces water so it will help to reduce greenhouse gases.

    It can be produced in large quantities by splitting up hydrogen compounds such as water (and there is plenty of that).

    It is a renewable energy source (providing that we don't use fossil fuels to split the hydrogen in the first place).

    It produces so much more energy per kg than ANY other fuel source. In fact three times more than the same amount of Petrol, LPG, or Methane. And Six time more than Methanol.

    Finally it would be cheap.

  5. biodiesel

  6. +biofuel made from alge

  7. Well, I don't think ethanol would work very well because it's made with corn, and the world needs to eat!

    Hydrogen if the ever make it work right will be the best. It's easy to get/produce and it has the potential to be very efficient! Plus, we wont run out of it. The Cells only run for like 200-400 miles, but I think with more research that will change.

  8. There is no one magic bullet. I think we should use a variety. For centuries we used oil and coal and look where we are now. Use wind where economical, use solar where possible, geothermal is great for places like Iceland. My perfect energy eutopia involves using energy efficiant things powered by the solar panels on your roof and windmill in your yard. Driving around in your plug -in/hybrid ethanol and/or hydrogen car. Collecting methane from dumps and farms to be burned into less harmful CO2. Variety is the spice of life.

  9. Let's start with the ones that will not ultimately work in the long run:

    Bio fuels including Ethanol cannot be made in the vast quantities that are needed to duel the vehicles on the road now much in the future, even if we could eventually make it so that it actually produced more power than it took to make it.

    Hydrogen is the smallest atom in the universe so it is very hard to contain and thereby store. The usual way of producing hydrogen is to separate it from natural gas. We have plenty of gas but once we take the H2 atom away we are left with CO2, the green house gas we are trying to avoid with alternate fuels. Plus, has everyone forgotten the Hindenburg?

    Electricity is the fuel of choice in the long run. It is clean, we already have a distribution system in place and it is cheap. I know somebody is going to say that electricity is produced by burning coal and that is filthy. I will get to that in a bit.

    Electricity can be made in variety of manners. Solar, wind, tidal effects, wave motions, hydroelectric dams and several other methods that I have not included on purpose, like geo-thermol, because we in the USA do not have the resourses to make geo thermal work for cars.

    Ok now I can get to coal powered dynamos. We use coal because we have great heaps of it. Just one of the bad things about coal stoked steam generators is that we can not turn them off at night when demand is low because it takes too much coal to spin the steam turbines back up in the morning, so they shunt the electricity that is unused to the earth. It is destroyed, after we go to all that work to generate it. If you had an electric car you would charge it up at night, wouldn't you? Using the cheaper night rates and also using the energy before it is shunted into oblivion. That would make great sense as the energy is there to use. Isn't using it more ecological that destroying the power after it is made?

    Plug in electrics have batteries that store power (duh) and while you are at work it can be plugged into the grid. While it is charging, or after it is charged, and there is power draw that would other wise cause a brown out or a black out, the grid can draw power from thousands of charged batteries on vehicles that are plugged into the grid, thereby avoiding black/brown outs and higher spiked rates during the daytime.

    Electricity is the fuel of the future, unless we can figure out what Iron Man was using to power that iron suit of his.

  10. Biodiesel made from algae.Waste Vegetable Oils,I burn it every day.

  11. Anything that doesn't need to be transported

    Solar cells are good but need to be converted from dc to ac and than phase matched to the grid in order to be used.

    But using solar to heat water and using the hot water bathing heating your house that sort of thing is verry effiecent.

    Geo thermal is good to that aspect and you don't have to have even good sunlight for it to work you can also use it to cool although not to the extent that you can heat with it.

    But most good replacements would have to be on a case by case basis.

    Trying to find a fuel that replaces fossil fuels in an ICE probably will not work

  12. Well Brazil has had huge success in making ethanol from sugar cane.Currently I'm building an ethanol plant that will use sugar cane from Brazil. They also produce mass amount of hydroelectricity. Nuclear,solar,Hydroelectricity,wind can power countries and rural communities.

    Ethanol can be made from corn,sunflower,rice,etc. A new process can make ethanol from grass,trees,waste.

    Hydrogen can be made in two ways. The clean way is  Electrolysis  which produces no greenhouse gases but its expensive.Nuclear and solar energy can change that easily.

    The technology is there to replace natural gas,oil,coal. With ethanol and hydrogen probably taking the lead when it comes to cars,planes,etc. Now here is the real problem. Almost everything we use is made out of oil. Crayons,glue,plastics,rubbers,dyes,eye glasses,antiseptics,etc. You can replace the fuels in cars and even how you power your house. But finding new ways to develop everyday products is going to be the biggest problem.


  13. Hydrogen.  I just read this weekend that Norway has the ticket, they are building an offshore wind farm that will use excess generating capacity to extract hydrogen from seawater, which will then be burned to run the electrical generators when the wind dies down.

  14. You have a lot to choose from,when it comes to harness alternative fuels,like solar energy,tidal energy,geo-thermal etc..But then solar energy is the cheapest of all to harness in the form of solar cells,solar water heater,solar cookers,solar batteries etc..So I suppose it it the best alternative fuel..

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