
Which baby name do you like??!!?

by Guest58074  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike it's a boy...i was thinking Edward Anthony Masen (and my last name) (yes its the name from Twilight, but i love it!) and if it's a girl....either Esme Rose or Carlie Rose....which do you prefer?




  1. Esme Rose is a beautiful name! I hope you get to use it.  

  2. I like Esme Rose .

  3. esme ahh i hate that name!!..

    i dont know why it just reminds me of a dirty little girl with a raspy voice..

    lol carlie is really cute but rose dosent fit as the middle name

    carlie ann or carlie joe something like that sounds better.

  4. Edward is a great name for a boy, and I like Esme for a girl, very nice.

  5. Carlie Rose, I know a girl name Carlie and she is sooooo nice!

  6. i like Carlie Rose.

  7. love them all, but prefer Esme Rose to Carlie Rose

  8. I love Edward and Esme! I once read somewhere that "Today's Shirley is tomorrow's Carly" and that has always stuck with me. Shirley sounds so outdated today, and even though I can't imagine Carly ever sounding dated, some day it will; and I would always choose to give my child a name that is classic, not something trendy that will sound dated in a few decades. I don't mean any offense by that! But I do think Esme is the better choice. It is timeless and classic! Good luck!



  10. Love the name Edward and Esme definitely. What always happened to me is, I pick out these great names and then when I see them , I change it.  

  11. I like your names. Maybe try Edward Masen and leave out the Anthony. For your girl, I like Carlie Rose better.

  12. im not fond of the boys name but it is your baby :)

    i love carlie rose!  

  13. Carlie, I think it's kinda cute for a little girl but, it will grow up as she does.  

  14. Esme Rose is a really beutifull & unique name I love it.

  15. Lucky you - I had no trouble picking a girl's name both times (Danica Shannon) but had 2 boys of course (Derek Ryall and Glen Daniel)

    Why not do something different like Carlirose and use Carlie for short?

  16. hm. I'm not a fan of Edward. It's a little too common/ordinary.

    I love Masen though!!!

    Esme and Carlie are both stunning. I like Carlie a little more though.

  17. i love twilight too!!

    um...i love the name Edward!(so you should definitely keep that one!)

    and for the girls names i like Esme because to me Carlie is too much like a guys names...when i hear the name i think guy....hope this helps!!

  18. For the girl,  I prefer Maude or Claude.

    For the boy,  I prefer Raoul.

  19. i dont like any of them names i love unusual names like kyrone talirah i like the name yasmin  

  20. Mmmm...Carlie Rose.

  21. I really love Esme Rose (would Rose be the middle name?) for a girl and just Edward for a boy.  However, the choice is yours.  

  22. always think of what nickname others will give him/her  ex.eddy,ward,ed    I like Carlie better than Esme{unsure how to pronounce}

  23. I like Anthony Masen but Edward reminds me of the guy from Pretty Women w/ Julia Roberts ~

    As for the girl hmmm

    I am a bit undecided

    Both are nice but I think I am going to go w/ Carlie Rose

  24. Im not really feelin the boys name.

    but i LOVE Esme Rose its absolutely gorgeous.

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