
Which baseball fans are the most obnoxious?

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The Cubs' fans get my vote. Some of them can be fun, but 4 out of 5 times they are matter which stadium they are in.




  1. THE YANKEES BY FAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. cubs fans are so obnoxious...... im like dude whens the last time you won the world series?!

  3. Funny you ask this because I think Reds fans are the most annoying.

    Great American Ballpark is the only place I have ever gotten a beer dumped on me for cheering for the visiting team.

    And I have been to 16 stadiums, including the craphole, US Cellular field.

    Everyone is just going to name the team they hate the most because of rivaliries, etc., so this question is a little pointless.

  4. Honestly... every baseball team has obnoxious fans. Every team has that loud mouth drunk. I'm a Red Sox fan and we have our fair share of obnoxious fans. Then again there are the Yankees fans at the All-Star game when they chanted "Overrated" to Papelbon. You're not going to find a team with the most obnoxious fans. That's my answer and I'm sticking to it.

    And Rastagrappler, you're an idiot saying "Honestly, it is probably Boston fans, and I am one. But people from Mass in general are pretty much the biggest cretins in the country--hence the term Masshole. And when it comes to cheering for our teams, we are pretty hard to take if you aren't one of us."

    I live in Boston and everyone here isn't a Masshole. So far you're being the Masshole calling everyone in Boston Massholes when you actually live here. You're a disgrace to Boston. Go to New York.

  5. Look no further than a Boston/New york series to get your answer. I'm a Yankee fan but even I have to admit that the people that come out the woodwork for these series' are the worst. Everyone likes to talk about how the teams are so different but we both have a bunch of plastics who represent the worst fans in baseball...if you can even call them fans.

  6. Yes - Cub fans. They act like fools at visiting parks to make you see them. They are attention starved. The also are loud here. They worry too much about the White Sox and Brewers. They are always looking to start something. They can't be happy with their own success - as in their lifetimes - they have none.

  7. red sox. i hate them very dearly and they are so arrogent and they are starting to take over the world.

  8. I went to the 3 games against the Yankees.

    On Game 1, they're like: "A-Rod sucks! Trade him!"

    On Game 2, they're like: "Giambi sucks! A-Rod is our hero!"

    On Game 3, they're like: "A-Rod sucks! Giambi is our hero!"


  9. Mets fans are so obnoxious i hate them all they are all like rodents and fat slobs. I HATE METS FANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  10. Boston fans never shut up.  They drive me insane

  11. Whoever is sitting next to me at the game it seems.

  12. Mets and Redsox fans

  13. Cub fans.  Just listening to them makes you wish you were deaf.

  14. I have to agree with you. Cubs fans to me are the most un knowledgeable baseball fans in the world!  All they say is Cubs Rock and you ask them why and they rant and rave about how nice wrigley field is. They cant even tell you whats going on during the games!  Cubs fan by far!

  15. It sure is pathetic to see so many people who think CUBS fans are not knowledgeable--it's a false stigma because most of them are.  That is why they fill up so many visiting parks--they follow there team--they follow baseball.  

  16. Yankees, Phillies, Mets, Cubs, and Red Sox in that order.

  17. Red Sox have the best fans. Have a lot of fans wherever they go!

  18. Yankee fans.

  19. Honestly, it is probably Boston fans, and I am one. But people from Mass in general are pretty much the biggest cretins in the country--hence the term Masshole. And when it comes to cheering for our teams, we are pretty hard to take if you aren't one of us.

  20. Mets fans last year, now its the Cubs.

  21. Cubs and Yankees.

  22. Anyone who has ever been to any kind of sporting event in Philadelphia knows that those people are animals! I went to a Phillies game at the Vet years ago and I thought I was at a prison rodeo. They boo everyone including the ball girls and the peanut vendors. Yankee fans are choir boys next to them.

  23. Mets fans by far.

  24. LMAO at people who really buy into that whole Cubs fans are uneducated BS.  You want uneducated look to the South side of the city.  Yankees and Mets get my vote.

  25. Philles fans are definitely the most obnoxious. the phillie fans are front runners they boo there players when there loosing every game but when the win they act like there winning the world series  

  26. im not just agreeing with you to get you to like me but definately the cubs. i mean come on! they once threw beer and bottles and their own trash on the field all because adam dunn hit a homerun. big deal! its a homerun. i guess they are taking all their anger out for not winning a world series in 100 years. you dont see reds fans doing that and they have a worse record. They are just a bunch of drunk idiotic morons.

  27. I agree with you - Cub fans by far.

  28. okay well i think the Yankees fans hands down.  they go crazy and then they are reckless they don't care were they at or what they do.  you could rite a newspaper just on them.  they will throw ump and all that stuff.  cubs fans are crazy but i think the Yankees are better.

  29. Now, before I answer this, I'd like to make clear that in NO way am I indicating that ALL fans of this team are obnoxious and uneducated...

    I agree with you; Cubs fans rarely know what they're talking about (again, not ALL Cubs fans; just some.  I've met great Cubs fans).

    And they randomly stand up in the top of the 2nd inning with nobody on and two outs and they tell me to stand up!

    First of all, I'm not a Cubs fan.  Got nothing against the Cubbies, but I am probably cheering for the home team.

    Second, I will decide when the game is exciting enough to stand up.  I don't consider the 2nd inning a good time to stand up.

    So, yeah.  I've met awful Cubs fans.

    I've heard Halos fans can be vicious too, but no experience there...

  30. I will, in a different manner, tell you why this type of question is useless.

    Say I'm a Red Sox fan.  Whose fans (other than my own) do I pay the most attention to?  If I live in Boston, who's most likely to see my home games.  In this case, it's a Yankee fan, so since they appreciate the game in the opposite way, they become obnoxious.

    Now, if I'm a Yankee fan, I'd say the same thing for the Red Sox, maybe for the Mets.

    If I'm a Mets fan, I'd say the same thing about the Yankees, Phillies, maybe the Braves.

    If I'm a White Sox fan, I'd say that about Cleveland, Twins, maybe the Cubs.  If I'm a Cubs fan, it's White Sox, Cards, Brewers, etc

    So, essentially, you are asking for what each responders bias is.

    If you're a Red fan, how many other Red's fans are you really going to objectively look at as obnoxious?  Probably very few.  But ask a Cards fan, or even an Indians fan, I'm sure they'd name a whole bunch of you.

    So, let's just say that no fans are more obnoxious than any others, it simply depends on your point of view.

    If you had a bunch of fans that all agree that their teams fans are obnoxious, then that would probably qualify, but otherwise, I'd say we are all about equal.

    That being said, I was at a Blue Jays game last year against Boston and there were a lot of Red Sox fans in the stadium.  

    One group of Jays fans were trying to mimic, and at the same time make fun of, the Boston accent and I actually considered them, my own team's fans, to be quite obnoxious.

    When the Boston fan finally gave into a comeback to the Jays fan (something like "oh, so that's the kind of education the public school here offers"), I made sure I laughed at the Toronto guy because it wasn't necessary to harass another fan, even if they're voting for the visiting team.

    Lastly, I believe these types of questions only further divide the community at Y/A.  You will never get honest answers and will likely reward someone who agrees with you with a best answer and they will, in turn, be validated into thinking this kind of bias is the correct way to think and behave.

  31. Yankees fans. They boo at a player one game then cheer him the next

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