
Which baseball player acts the most cocky?

by Guest59161  |  earlier

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I mean no offense to anyone but I think Derek acts really cocky

The way he puts on his batting gloves is just lame

and when he swings he swings with way too much confidence

Granted, I have only seen him bat 8 times so I may be wrong




  1. Jose Reyes with his freaking dugout dancing.  A-Rod, he acts like he's God's gift to MLB.  Curt Schilling is not cocky - he just has a gigantic mouth that is constantly running :)

  2. Even though he is on my team, A-Rod is a pretty cocky fella.

    Curt Schilling is up there. My God! He has an opinion on everything and somehow thinks everyone else wants to hear it when in fact, NO ONE cares!!!

    And Manny Ramirez is up there as well. The whole "Manny being Manny" phrase does not excuse him watching his HR's EVEN when they don't make it over the fence!! When you stop and admire a ball you have just hit, you know EXACTLY what you are doing.

  3. I think A-Rod. He's just really cocky and really popular on ESPN and tv and such

  4. DEFINATELY Kevin Youkilis!!! I can't even stand watching him. YES A-Rod and Jeter...arrogant ASSES! Almost all of the Red Sox and Yankee's players are. A.J. Pierzynski for running his mouth all the time and Jose Guillen for fighting with his own teammates!

  5. i have no prob with jeter, I've always thought pedroia had a little bit of a uh high self esteem, with good reason yes i understand but.. still.. i don't hate though just sayin..

    haha one time i was watching a game and Joe Morgan was talking about how Dustin pedroia was a bit cocky. And then i guess he felt the need to emphasize the fact that it wasn't a bad thing cuz he kept rambling on and on and on about how pedroia WASN'T cocky but confident. i'm not kidding it lasted about 5 innings or so.. he kept bringing it up -__-;

    mmm to be honest, i haven't seen enough of A-rod to say this but he does seem cocky.. everytime i actually get a chance to see him play it seems like he's real arrogant but other than that what a player huh?

    edit: dude i find nothing wrong with K-rod.. he's just showing passion/emotion. its not like he thinks he's better than the hitters.

    fyi, he always thanks his late grandfather who helped him, literally, become a better player/person hence the pointing to the sky

  6. ken griffey jr.

  7. how about Papelbon?  he wanted to close the all star game in Yankee Stadium over fricking Mariano Rivera!  talk about cocky.  I dont like the whole Jeter hand to the ump thing much either.

  8. dude- Jeter's not arrogant, he's just really good. How do you swing with too much confidence? Maybe he's actually trying to hit the ball.

    some young players brought up from the minors seem arrogant to me.

    a-rod's arrogant, but i can't stand manny ramirez

  9. I'm not a huge Jeter fan - but if you look at his career, you might be persuaded that he has earned the right to think he can beat any pitcher.

    Some of the worst offenders among hitters have left the game recently - I won't miss Bonds and Sosa standing around admiring their home runs.

    Unfortunately, as someone already mentioned - pitchers like K-Rod, Joba and Zambrano are all young and going to be around for a long time with their idiot dances. Imagine if we were all like that on our jobs? Every time we do our job properly we get up and dance and try to call attention to how great we are?

  10. Ortiz.

  11. Manny

  12. Manny Ramirez

  13. A-Rod is second on my list. He seems like when he gets out he's shocked, but when he gets a hit, his face just looks like "Yeah, I'm not surprised I hit it."

    First on the list: Albert Pujols. Just watching his stance... he's way too cocky.

  14. Coco Crisp

  15. Some of the pitchers up there. Guys like Joba and K-Rod and Jose Valverde who has like a ritual dance after finishing an inning. I mean ok yea you got the guy out. You feel real good about it but aren't you paid millions of dollars just to do that? Can't you show some class?

    I personally don't really mind it but I think that's pretty cocky.

    EDIT-Ballplayer8789, Papelbon did not say he should be the closer over Rivera. He merely said Hey I'm pretty good and I am the defending World Champion so don't forget about me. The media has blown it way out of proportion. Plus he's Papelbon. He's very prone to spout off with random comments.

  16. There is no doubt that Manny is the co ckiest.  Manny swaggers to the plate, watches his HR's, uses the bathroom in the "green monster,"  and makes phone calls during the game.  I guess it's just Manny being Manny.

  17. No, Derek Jeter does act pretty cocky.  The way he just gives the umpire the hand until he is ready for the pitch.

  18. wait jeter as much as i cant stand the yankees jeter is one of the better yankee players.

    it be a-rod , barry bonds, manny, coco crisp,  giambi

    i think thats about it.

    may be wrong lmao  YOU ARE WRONG.

    ballplay-dude get over it papelbon is not the ********* player. he said he wanted to close i am sure you would as well.

    get over it that another player can be just as great as mo.  now stop!

  19. Alex Rodriguez. Just for the fact I think he's a media w***e. Also Schilling cuz I've read peoples stories and he sounds like an ***.

  20. Kevin Youkilis


  21. He swings with too much confidence?  Do you want him to be nervous about it or something?

    I gotta disagree on the caution part.  Maybe be cautious on the pitch recognition, but once you decide to swing, you gotta go for it.

    By the way, I hate Jeter anyway.  Nothing to do with his swing though.

  22. AJ Pierszynski, this guy is the biggest piece of $hit in all of baseball.  Not only do most fans hate him, but most players in the league hate this guy as well.

  23. Johanathan Papbelbon

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