
Which beast wanted to eat my rabbit?

by  |  earlier

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I let my rabbit outside at night and his cage is made out of plastic and I saw a spot where there were a bunch of bite marks on it from the outside so it couldnt be my rabbit. The teeth marks were about a quarter of a centimeter but the spot was about 5 cm.




  1. Not too many carnivores out there, depending on where you live.  Coyotes are in urban areas, but I would bet on a dog.

  2. Coyotes,dogs,fox, probably some kind of canine

  3. wild dog in the neighborhood maybe

    are you close to woods??

    maybe a cat hard to tell  

  4. hello there

    many predatory animals eat depends on your area.exactly where do you live?what part of the world?what country?it varies per country,you see.

    it may be just a dog or a cat.but it may be as dangerous as a fox or a coyote.maybe even a depends on your area,really.

    i suggest you keep your rabbit inside the house.or else you might find him dead one day.

    have a nice day!

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