
Which beginner SLR?

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I am debating wether to get a Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT or a Nikon D40 or a camera that you guys may suggest; I am just going to use photography as a good hobby that I do a lot, but not as like a side-job or anything. :] My budget can go up to around $500.





  2. An SLR is a film camera. The Pentax K1000 is a good film camera for beginners. The Nikon D40 is a good digital camera and the kit lens, 18-55 is sharp. The battery life is excellent and you can add on to it. I recommend it because I have one.

  3. I am a photography student myself and I use a Nikon FM 10. It is a fully manual camera, perfect for a student and it cost less than $200 brand new. Just look for it on eBay. I can't say enough about its good qualities. I know you are looking for a digital camera, but I think that a film SLR is best when you are just starting out and want to fully learn about how to handle a camera.

  4. This is a lot like asking what is better, Coke or Pepsi.  Being a "Coke" person myself, I would say the Canon Rebel XT.  Until recently, Nikon had been seriously lagging, and the CMOS sensor in the Rebel was far better (in my opinion) that the CCD sensor in the Nikon.

    But truth be told, they are both decent cameras, and it really is about what system you want to go with.  Eventually you will (most likely) want to upgrade to a newer body.  But it is often the investment in glass that ultimately keeps you tied to one vendor.  (Since all those lenses you will buy, will only be useful so long as you stay on that one system).

    So, find the one you are most comfortable shooting, and THAT is the one you should get.

  5. Stop debating ... go into a camera store and hold both in your hands and see which you like the best.

    If you have never used an adjustable camera, you may want to first take a class in photography .. it will save you a lot of frustration.

    At this time for $470 you can find a good DSLR with 18-55 mm lens at Amazon.

  6. I like Nikon...check the upgrade from the 40...........Both of your choices are great cameras...............
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