
Which bike is faster, a triathalon/time trial or a road race bicycle?

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also does anyone know whats the fastest speed you can reach with those bikes?? mph please




  1. Well, a TT can probally go the fastest in a straight line but the speed on it depends on the rider.

  2. Speed All depends on the rider and whether you're riding in a pack or solo. Uphill or downhill.

    (I know you asked for mph - But I'm aussie so I'm answering in KPH first!)

    Into the wind a TT bike is FASTER because you are more aerodynamic.  Quite frankly on a good day with a tail wind I can reach speeds of up to 50kph  (31.07mph) in a TT position in my aero bars on the flats.  In a head wind I'm lucky to maintain 25kph!!  (15.53mpH)

    Craig Walton is a triathlete who can reach speeds of over 100kph coming down the Noosa Hill in the Nossa Tri on a TT bike.  (62.14mph)

    If you're on a roadie it's all up to you.  the Tour de france riders easily sprint at almost 70kph!  (around 40mph)

    When I'm on my roadie (and I'm SLOW) even in a pack I'm struggling at 25kph.  ((15mph)  

    Personally I love my TT position MUCH more!

  3. if you are talking about the bike by itself, they both do not move without a rider.  but if you have the same person riding the road bike and a TT bike on a flat course, the TT bike will be faster because the its aerodynamics.  most TT bikes now are tested in a wind tunnel to optimize efficiency, you put that together with disk wheels and a aero position, you will be faster.  

    HED did research on bike aerodynamics and @ 25 mph, 80% of your watts are used pushing against the wind and 20% in foward motion.  so the smaller hole you punch into the wall of air, the faster you will go.

    unless you are racing uphill.  here the road bike will take advantage due to its lighter weight.

    greg lemond won the tour one year averaging 34mph on a TT position, but not on a TT bike.  no one has matched that, not even lance.  so realistically, its all about the rider.

  4. this is my opinion for what it is worth. a tt bike is a fine tool for racing tri's and tt, but you will spend many more miles training than competing.  i basic road bike is vital if you are going to get serious.  you will get caught in rain, bad weather, bad streets, hills and everything out there. if you can only have one bike, make it a good all round bike that is comfortable and durable.  then when money allows you can get a specialty bike for doing tri's and tt.  until then, the road bike can be addapted with clip on bars and areo wheels and serve pretty well.

  5. I will try to keep it brief.

    On the flat, a TT bike is faster!  

    -it's designed for aerodynamics.

    On hills or twisty roads,  a road bike would excell!

    -it's lighter and more maneuverable.

    Giving top speeds is an academic exercise, as there are so many variables. eg. Rider, incline of road, winds, etc.

    Hope this clarifies things.


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