
Which bike should i get

by Guest60662  |  earlier

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should i get a yz250f or a yfz450 i can ride both




  1. well it all depend what u like better and what kind of riding you do if you go to the track alot get the yz250f but the yfz isnt bad on track either but the dirt bike is made for the track but if u ride trails and go track some times the yfz is good for you no matter what u are ending up with a great bike/quad(i would choose the dirt bike)

  2. yfz450  its sweet

  3. I'd go for the yfz450 just b/c the yz250f isn't a duel sport plus the 450 will be a lot faster and can go through more mud/dirt/water, but buy whichever one YOU like better.

  4. it all depends on what you like a 2 stroke or 4 stroke 2 storke are faster and they have a power band but they blow up a little quicker but the 450 is a bad *** bike to  

  5. are you kidding me...its comparing apples and oranges do you want to be able to catwalk through 5th gear or catwalk through 2nd? plus theres a good $2000 between the bikes

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