
Which bike to buy and why???yamahar r6 2007 or gsxr 600 or cbr 600?

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whats better over all???




  1. I'd go for the Yamaha R6. Especially the 2007 model. It looks meaner and is quicker and lighter than the earlier gixser and honda.

  2. the first poster had some good points.  I'd definatly advise staying away from the yamaha. Honda makes a real reliable durable bike and a couple years ago they had the fastest 6, i'm not sure about now. but gsxr is typcially easiest to get racing parts for.

    All depending on what you want to do, I think if I were to buy a 600 (which i have a zx10) i think i'd go with the honda.

  3. The 2007 CBR 600RR is supposedly the best all-around 600cc bike out of the three. The Gsxr 600 is a very nice bike, but doesn't have the mid-range capabilities like that of the CBR. If you're looking for the lightest, fastest, best-handling, then I'd go with the new CBR. It also looks the  best out of three in my opinion. Out of the R6 or the Gsxr600, I'd go with the R6. The R6 looks like samurai armor (so awesome). Yamaha has been experiencing some problems with the fly-by-wire throttle control system, so that may be enough to sway me toward the Suzuki. The suzuki is still a very nice bike. You can't go wrong with either of the three. If you want something that can suit your all-around preferences, then I'd go with the CBR.

  4. Gixer 6.

    Faster, better looker, quickest steering. All round better bike.

    R6: FUGLY.

    CBR6: Nearly as fugly as the Yam.

    Kwak: Had to add another 36cc to compete.

    The only one you missed out is the only one I would buy (now). The 749R.

    A baby 999, that goes like stick, looks amazing & can be made in to a track day bike in 5 mins.

    Great bike. Great look, great speed. It has everything.

  5. Go with the CBR, it wins every shootout. Look at a bike magazine and you'll see, plus gixxers are squid bikes!

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