
Which blocks to use for garge end wall non load bearing?

by  |  earlier

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The end of my garge has a middle section that is made from wood that goes all the way up to the apex of the roof line.

This wall section is non load bearing becuse the roof ridge is made from stell beams.

There is currently a single glazed wood en window in which is just about rotten along with the panneling.

I have bought a used double glazed window of ebay and want to build it into the wall.

The lenght to be built up is about 3m long and I have worked out it would be 6 rows high to the window bottom hight.

I would then need about 1 and half blocks wide on each side of the window to make up to the rest of the garge end which is brick. I would go up 5 rows high in the blocks.

I was planning on leaving the wood section in above the window becuse it is in good condtion + saves cutting blocks to fit apex + saves a lintel + cost etc.

I was going to buy the 62 wide double thicknes (with hole in) blocks.

Do these sound Ok for this?




  1. It sounds like you know what you are going to do but it is hard to follow you. If you believe that your plan will work then go for it. Best of luck.

  2. The blocks you mention are OK, but you will need a lintel over the window whatever you decide.

  3. Those blocks would be ok, but your best bet would be to use a 100mm concrete block. They would be cheaper to buy plus they are quicker to lay. If the block work work is going higher than the top of your window than you will need to put in a 100mm concrete lintel.

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