
Which book in the Twilight series did you like best?

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Which book in the Twilight series did you like best?




  1. Breaking Dawn was my favourite, without a doubt. The first three were amazing but I loved the way she wrote the fourth one. I was also glad that she answered all of the remaining questions and tied up loose ends. Plus, I was so relieved that it was a happy ending. I can't tell you how terrified I was that Edward, Bella or one of the other Cullens would die/join the Volturi/leave again.  

  2. Twilight. I dunno how to explain it, but there's something about it that separates it from the other books. I guess it's because that's when Edward and Bella first fall in love, and the other books are just about their continuing relationship.

  3. BD, because of book 2 in it.....jacob made all the difference, plus i was crying the whole time whne i saw how much pain he's in....*sob*

    nice nickname, btw.....i love hollister.

  4. Twilight

  5. Breaking Dawn is my favorite, I love it when Bella first becomes a vampire.

    Twilight is my second favorite,

    then Eclipse

    And New Moon is my least favorite.

  6. Breaking Dawn is absolutely my favorite. I love how everything turned out for them. I wanted Bella to be with Edward and I wanted her to become a vampire. Renesmee was just an added bonus! Also, I didn't really like Jacob until I got to see what he thought and how he felt. I just altogether LOVE Breaking Dawn!

  7. Twilight then Eclipse : )

  8. my favourite book for sure was twilight! i cant explain why, but i found it the most enjoyable 2 read. i liked the fact that bella was a normal human and edward a mysterious, beautiful vampire (i feel like edward was most 'human' in the first book) ...

    my second favourite is then eclipse, although i do have 2 admit jacob really started getting on my nerves!

    thirdly, new moon, because edward is hardly in it (i really missed him!) and then finally breaking dawn. i found breaking dawn just so different to the rest of the books that i almost didn't like bella and edward being so different- i missed their "human-vampire" relationship... but I'm not complaining- parts of the book were excellent as always!

  9. Twilight. It was so magical and the beginning of the best love story ever. (well in my opinion)

  10. Twilight was my favorite because I loved reading about Bella and Edward first falling in love, and I think the magic between them was strongest. It was so addicting too. Theres just something about it that I loved, and it's hard to describe. I could read this book over and over again, which is what I think I'm going to do. (:

    Eclipse was my 2nd favorite because I loved the choices Bella had to make and the struggle. The romance between Edward and Bella was amazing as always, and I loved when he asked her to marry him! TI liked how the werewolves and vampires sort of "teamed up," as well.

    Breaking Dawn was my 3rd favorite. I liked the 1st couple of chapters, and the last chapters. I actually enjoyed Jacob's book. I just felt like there wasn't as much spark between Edward and Bella. It just seemed like everything was jampacked into that book, and it was sort of rushed.Still a great book overall.

    New Moon was my least favorite simply because I don't like Jacob. I hated that Edward was barely in was so sad! Everytime she went to hang out with Jacob, I wanted to slap her. Especially when she asked if he was "breaking up with her." She wasn't really his girlfriend because she was still in love with Edward! Jacob had her doing stupid things, and he was just so annoying. I was so scared that Bella would end up being togther with Jacob and not Edward. The only part of this book that I liked was the part when Edward and Bella finally reunited.  

  11. i liked twilight the best, then eclipse, then breaking dawn, and then new moon.

  12. Twilight. It was so funny! The Edward in Twilight was mysterious, cryptic, and not so lovey dovey-ish.

    Then it's Eclipse, New Moon, and Breaking Dawn.

  13. I liked Breaking Dawn the best because i liked hearing a new perspective on the story. When i was reading book two i got mad at Bella for what she was doing to herself and the way that it was affecting Edward so much and he couldn't do anything to help her... it mad me soo sad i cried... But then once the baby was born i think that i understood why she did that... But i was so scared that something was going to happen to her. Reading Breaking Dawn made Jacob my favorite character. I can't wait till Midnight Sun comes out so i can read in Edwards perspective.

  14. Twilight

    Breaking Dawn


    New Moon

  15. twilight and eclipse are tied for first


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