
Which book is best??????????

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The Hobbit by JRR Tolkien

Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens

Emma by Jane austen

Jane Eyre by charlotte bronte

And which one is shortest




  1. Oliver Twist. It's interesting and an easy read.

  2. This is simply a matter of personal preference. although I would say Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens is a lot more child-friendly than the others, The Hobbit is also good for children. My opinion on these books is that Oliver Twist is the best.

  3. The Hobbit is my absolute favorite from this list. Jane Eyre is also good - I read it a couple times myself outside of class. The Hobbit is probably also the shortest.

  4. Oh there all good. Oliver Twist is probably one of the easiest to read secong to the Hobbit. Jane Eyre is the longest and hard to get throught. My favorite is Jane Eyre though it's extremly exciting.

  5. "Best" is a subjective judgment.

    _Oliver Twist_ is the shortest and has the most social conscience.

    _Emma_ is the subtlest. The style is sublime.

    _The Hobbit_ is the most fanciful.

    _Jane Eyre_ is the most passionate but for my taste once one is half way through one knows everything she has to say. On the other hand, I'm male, and _Jane Eyre_ is a feminist monument so I may not be its most avid reader.

  6. The Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkien is excellent and very entertaining! It is not to long and is an interesting read! This was the book that got me hooked on reading.

  7. Well, my two favorites are Jane Eyre and Emma, they're certainly not the shortest, but they're books you won't regret reading, trust me. They're warm, witty, and romantic. The Hobbit would be more to your liking if you liked adventures and  journeys and Oliver Twist if you like simple, sweet stories.  

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