
Which book is better:twilight or eragon?

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Which book is better twilight or eragon and why? i have both books at home and don't know which one to read first!




  1. My own personal opinion would be neither of them. Both were written like a bad fan fiction. But really its up to you. Just read whichever one you pick up first. But I guess I'll vote for...Eragon first.

  2. Twilight i dont know i just like it better than Eragon

  3. ooo, tough 1.  i love both, but i would say twilight.  more romance. :)

  4. Twilight.

  5. TWILIGHT!!!!!!!!!!! Is Better i have read both series and i loved Twilight, but Eragon was good 2!

  6. That's such a difficult choice as i love both books and i think you should read Twilight first as by the time youve read the whole series it might be time for the film to come out and its nice to have finished the books before whatching the film and then read Eragon although they're both great books.

  7. twilight :]

  8. I need to read eragon.  

  9. I'm feeling Twilight, if you like that sappy weird romance kinda thing...

    I really love them, and I didn't really care for Eragon, but I think you should read both of them because they are both nearly classics.

    But, if you haven't read Harry Potter yet, definitely start with that.


  10. Well, it really REALLY depends on what you like. Gender-wise, the popular choice among males is Eragon (and they slaughtered the movie, fyi) and the popular choice among females is Twilight. (stands a great chance that it could be slaughtered)

    If your favorite type of books are stuff like CS Lewis, Tolkien, The golden compass (cant remember the author's name), you will PROBABLY like Eragon better. On the flip side, if you're a Sarah Dessen, Meg Cabot, Emily Dickinson, Jane Austin person, you will probably like Twilight better.

    My opinion in the matter... I am more partial to Twilight. My emotions ran wild in that book. Eragon was so stinking LONG, It felt like we were being given way too much information. Twilight catches you with suspense, Eragon catches you with fantasy.

  11. i honestly couldnt get through a page of eragon, and seeing the movie, it doesnt look like something i'd be interested in readin. so twilight, since im a sap for love stories.

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