
Which book of the twilight saga is your favourite?

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i love the first book twilight and the fourth book breaking dawn,

the most




  1. I really liked Eclipse because so much happened.

    I didn't like New Moon because Bella was such a wimp.

    Twilight was good but not as exciting as Eclipse.

    And while Breaking Dawn were good some parts were a bit, I dunno, predictable or unrealistic? Hard to explain...

  2. my favs in order

    Eclipse because it was so exciting I couldnt put it down

    Twilight because it was so sweet and funny

    Breaking dawn because it did have a happy ending and I was so worried Bella would end up with Jacob it was a relieve when she finaly became a vamp and we got to see it through her eyes and ger some real insight as to what they can do

    New moon was ok but not enough Edward I like Jacob but not enough to want a whole book about him and Bella in the Garage it was still worth reading tho just not as good as the rest  

  3. I am not done with the Sega. I am only on Eclipse. I think so far I liked New moon the best even tho it was depressing. I hate Eclipse! STUPID JACOB AND TO KISS BELLA AND SHE REALIZED SHE LOVED HIM AND SHE IS WITH EDWARD!!  

  4. well i have different views about every book

    Twilight was well made but i think it was rather fast and the master scene was a bit in a rush (i mean bella just passed out what kind of hero just passes out on all the action)... it was only one chapter with james attack and they didn't bring him when they killed him

    New Moon was maybe the best of them only most people would feel that becuase it was very boring in the middle with Edward gone i guess it was the fastest one i read because u just wait for every chapter to have him and feel dissapointed again .. it was always about bella feeling numb so it was a bit boring but jacob made it real fun...the master scene was also the best with the volturi and bella holding on edward all the while it was really well made

    in Eclipse the best thing was the conflict between Jake and Edward on Bella especially the final chapters but i thought it was very over board with the romance so i was uncomfortable with it

    Breaking dawn is fantastic ofcourse with Renesmee there and Jacob finally settling. the book 2 with jacob was exceptionally wonderful because of how he kept discribing Edward as the burned man and the agony of which it brought them both to. ......Surprisingly the monster that was killing bella in jacob's part for all became the most adorable and irresistable being for all the characters and all the kinds in bella's book three (how ironic)

    well i don't know why every body kept saying Breaking Dawn distroyed the while saga while for me it had the best action and breathtaking moments unlike the others but i can't say it's the very best i think i'll go with the ones who say New Moon but second on the list would be Breaking Dawn ..followed by Twilight and Eclipse in the same rank

    Really Amazing Saga!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. i liked twilight best, funnily enough. i guess i'm a sucker for first novels, and i didn't really like jacob in new moon and eclipse was good, seeing as edward returned (yay!! lol) and i didn't really like the way she split up breaking dawn into 3 books, and i found jacob's book difficult to read.

    i suppose that i like twilight best because its where Bella's just discovering everything, where the world suddenly looks different and bewildering, but in a nice way :)

  6. I like the first one, twilight

    and im not sure about the last one, breaking dawn because i haven't finished reading it

    I like it tho

    but I dont like new moon cos it's quite upsetting and there aren't reli big story in it

    [spoiler] except, edward left bella, thn she got upset and went to jacob who became a warewolf

    thn bella went and do some stupid stuff

    finally alice saw he jumping off a cliff so she went ant tell Edward and he went and sucide

    bella thn ran after him to save him

    that'slike confusing and not reli a good story

    but eclipse is better

    twilight is goos because it's like the start of the story

    although usually book no 1s are quite boring but i quite like the first book

    it has mush more story

    in new moon, stephenie just skipped time and stuff and it just seem there are some info missing

    but they're all good

  7. I agree with you, Twilight and breaking Dawn were the best but i also loved Eclipse. and new moon would be the last.  

  8. I personally liked New Moon the best,then Eclipse and Twilight.I really hated Breaking Dawn because I think the ending wasn't the happy end I was exspecting.

    If you compare all the twilight books,then New Moon is the best.It is better written,there is one big conflict and the triangle situation between Bella,Jacob and Edward is just so intense in that book.

    I'm really not the biggest Stephenie Meyer fan but New Moon..well done Steph ;)

  9. I really liked Twilight and Breaking Dawn.

    I liked Twilight because it started everything out and I immediately fell in love with all the characters. It was really exciting, too. There was non-stop action. I also liked it because, since it is the first in the series, you are so unaware. Like you didn't know Edward could read minds. And you didn't know that Bella was a "shield." I am in the process of reading the whole series again. I'm on page 200 some. You realize these things if you read books twice.

    Twilight is also a thriller because it's something new, something exciting. Who knew a vampire novel could be so brilliant?

    I absolutely loved Breaking Dawn because it was so descriptive and there was so much tension. I really admired Edward--he was trying to do everything so Bella wouldn't die. I was really happy Bella became a vampire. Emmet's comments about Bella's, um, love life were so funny.

    "I still think we should go down to Dartmouth. You'll ace your classes, Bella...apparently there's nothing else interesting to do at night but study," that's what Emmet said. So funny!

    I also really enjoyed New Moon. Some people didn't like it, but I loved it. The characters were so full of emotion. It was really descriptive and easy to relate yourself. When Bella was hurting, so was I.

    Good luck!

  10. i really liked twilight because it was the start of something new and also eclipse because the end was very saddening but he plot was really nice. Breaking Dawn had a lot of unexpected surprises like nessie and jacob narrating. New Moon was really sad.

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