
Which book series changed all your opinions?

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in Harry Potter i hated snape all the way through, just to find he was a really good guy at the end. there have been other books that had the same effect on me.

i would like to know which ones had that type of effect on you.




  1. Yeah Harry Potter did it for me too. Now i am reading through the series again, and when ever Harry thinks Snape is out to get him, I feel like screaming at the book "NO ITS FOR YOUR OWN GOOD" haha

  2. I agree with you about Harry Potter. I also think it changed my perspective on life in general and the way we value friendship. Knowing that we always have the power to chose between right and wrong, no matter how small the matter may be.

    Twilight also changed my opinions. It's hard to say why, but it made me look at things differently, and taught me a lot about myself.

  3. I love Stephen King and waited 20 years for him to finish The Dark Tower series and I was totally blown away with the ending!

    I knew his books would have a twist but this one beat the lot!  I won't let on in case people are reading it as it would really spoil it.

    You have to read it to the end and see!

  4. hmmm...veryy good point about Snape! I think Id also say snape!! I was literally moved by the "princes Tale" was amazing!

  5. i thought the same about Harry Potter and Snape and stuff. The only other book i can think of is Walk Two Moons. its only one book not a series but, still, i thought a certain character was this freaky stalker guy but he ended up being a pretty cool guy that just got stuck in a confusing situation.

    (just saying that book was awesome. if u got nothing better to do, u should read it)

  6. I agree about the harry potter thing.  I hated Snape when he killed dumbledor. But i was so surprised at the end to find out that he ws a good guy.   I also thought Twilight almost changed my perspective on a lot of things that are going on.  It is hard to give an example though

  7. Same here. But The Kite Runner was my life changer. I'll never forget that book. Ever.

    Made me think about all the violence and evil in the world. How can people kill like that? I couldn't harm a fly!

    It's disgusting. It made me think about how I shouldn't take life for granted.

  8. Eric Von Daniken - opens up an entirely new prospective on religion.

  9. Yeah i felt exactly the same about Snape. It was such a shock. I cant wait to see it when the film is out. That was one h**l of a twist!

  10. You mean books with a twist or what? In that case just about all the agatha christies ever.

    However, a really opinion changing book is shade's children. It was one of the most disturbing books I have read. There is a characyer called Shade in it who murders people and children, yet everything he does seems to be justified- at least to him.

  11. The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins.

    The character of Sir Percival Glyde was insane.

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