
Which book will Biden choose?

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Wow! Now we have the "Dream Team" .... The Chose One and the Plagiarist!

Which book by a previous Democratic VP will Biden plagiarize from?

Earth in the Balance, by AlGore


The Education of a Public Man, by Hubert H. Humphrey?

After all, a tiger doesn't change it's stripes, does it?




  1. I think he'll choose the Koran as part of diversity.  He loves diversity.

  2. If this is the best you people got, then I hope you enjoy the speeches Biden gives as Vice-president of the United States.

  3. No, a tiger doesn't change its stripes, and morons that come up with these trite sayings to emphasize their clueless statements don't change the underwear they wear on their heads.  Your point?

  4. Maybe he'll choose McCain's.  You know where McCain states, "It was always his ambition to run for President."

  5. He will probably ban Glenn Beck's book "An Inconvenient Book".

  6. biden will choose the book that tells how mccain assisted his savings & loan buddy charles keating in sticking US taxpayers with the 2 BILLION dollar bill that bailing charlies out cost.

    Have you read that one yet?

  7. I think he will choose the Harry Potter stories, he can use a little magic.

  8. Probably ALL the books written by Obama.  Noticed Obama has been using a lot of famous Biden barbs in his speeches -- they will just continue to stroke each other.  Quite disgusting, IMO.

  9. Democrats, Nothing but a Bunch of Lying Marxist Left leaning Socialist.

    Obama and Biden ? Hmm, Sounds to me like a two-headed snake.

    I deal with snakes by Cutting their heads off (Metaphorically speaking)  

  10. how is it that righties think they can just keep spouting long-debunked nonsense time after time?  are you just hoping something will stick?

    Biden used the "plagiarized" passage in his speech (20 years ago) and FULLY CREDITED the original author at least 6 times on public record.  the one time he repeats the same line but doesn't immediately cite the source (that he had publicly cited at least 6 times previously), he gets called a plagiarist.

    keep attacking.  it will make November 5th all the sweeter while watching the landslide victory results roll in for Obama-Biden.

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