
Which boxing organization is the most widely recognized as "the standard"?

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Out of the four boxing organizations





What is the order of which one is the real-deal?

Which one has the most fights like on HBO and espn that I see?

I don't know why their isn't just one boxing organization.

Second-Q (i'm new to boxing) why do fighters like hug arms durings every round? Like when they just come close and prevent each other from being freed or able to punch?--why do they do it--and what is it called--thanks boxer experts!

Also, i'm super new to boxing, and my local favorite is edner cherry, is he nationally famous? or just in my home-state. (lightweight or welterweight is what he fights in)




  1. the ring magazine belt is the best together with wbc belt.

    the ring magazine belt is widely recognize as a belt of the true champion...

  2. Well, The Ring Magazine belt is currently the belt that most people including myself recognize as the "standard" and true champion's belt.  If I  HAD to pick one out of the 4, it would probably be the WBC because throughout the past 30 or so years, that WAS the belt that had the most recognition, but now, as I stated previously, it is the Ring Magazine belt.  The reason why most consider the Ring belt as THE belt is because the Ring does not strip their champions and the only way that you can lose the belt is if you lose it in the ring, you move to a different weight division permanently or you retire- thats the way it used to be, and thats the way it should be.  The Ring belt is the closest thing that we have to having one linear and true champion, and that is why the fighters with the Ring belts garner the most respect.

    What you are speaking of with the hugging is called clinching, and you basically answered your own question.  The reason that they do it is to prevent the other fighter from hitting them.  It can also be done to gain a rest or if the fighter is on the verge of being knocked out, they will sometimes clinch to save themselves from being stopped.  However, if they do it excessively, the referee can take points away from them and eventually disqualify them.

    Edner Cherry is a lightweight contender coming off a very good win against the faded Stevie Johnston last night.  He is ranked high with some of the sanctioning bodies, so with a few  more wins, he may be able to get a title shot.  As far as being famous, he is known with hardcore boxing fans, but he is not really that known globally or with casual boxing fans.

  3. really they all have the same amount of weight as far as I'm concerned. Boxing is full of corruption such as blatantly bad judges, fighters who call themselves the best yet avoid other fighters, dirty managers etc. and people wonder why professional boxing is losing its credibility

  4. The ring magazine and P4P  is what most causal fans pay attention too. The WBC belt is the official championship belt it Carry's the most weight out of the four you named.

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