
Which brand is better, for volleyball shoes, Mizuno or Asics?

by Guest56996  |  earlier

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I don't know what kind of volleyball shoes to get. Is Mizuno better, or is Asics. Please be specific, with details and all, in which shoe brand is better. I really need to make a decision on what shoe to buy. Is it really worth buying expensive shoes like these?




  1. Mizzle fizzle! foe shizel!

  2. Dude, get Kaepa shoes.

    Kaepa is awesome.

  3. i personally think asics are better.

    they have more ankle support.

  4. I am familiar with Mizuno but not with Asics. but i am currently wear the nike multicourt shoes form sports authority and they are just as good. but if u want one those two i would go with Mizuno.

  5. mizuno is definately better!

    as for is it worth it to buy these expensive shoes i would say it depends on how much you play. if you are in high school or play club volleyball i would say yes. but for middle school i would still buy some volleyball shoes, but a cheaper brand

  6. mizuno.

  7. For 2 years I had Asics, and they are okay. They are really comfortable, but the traction went away quick.

    This year I got Mizuno, and they are cuter (everyone now wants to get them as team shoes) but I ended up buying some cheap different soles and I really like them now. And maybe they will fit your foot better than they did mine. Either way, I think it is worth it to buy more expensive shoes

    Bottom line, Mizunos are better imo

  8. I would say Mizuno, Asics is more for running in my opinion.

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