I need two 5"x7" speakers for the back of the car. It is a small car (dodge daytona hatchback) and I'm wondering which brand/model of speakers would be the best for a good, loud and clear sound. I don't have a subwoofer or amp, but the stereo deck I just put in should be fine for me. My budget isn't very high, I'm looking for between $30-50. Anyone know how any speakers would compare to these Kenwood's? http://item.express.ebay.com/_Car-Electronics__2-NEW-KENWOOD-KFC-C5782IE-5-x-7-440W-CAR-AUDIO-SPEAKERS_W0QQitemZ190241940286QQihZ009QQadnZCarQ20ElectronicsQQadiZ967QQcmdZExpressItem