
Which brands of bottled water in the uk contain fluoride?

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I need to use it to mix my son's formula when I travel there next month. And no, I do not want to hear about how fluoride is poisonous.




  1. Most bottled water is spring water and although it will have been tested it is not recommended for making formula feeds.  Good old UK tap water is fine to use.  There are only about two Water Companies that add fluoride to their water in UK.  One of them is Birmingham, I don't know the other one or two.  The UK is not Outer Mongolia and our water is very drinkable (and tastes good).

  2. I am from the UK. You can just look on the wrapper of bottled water to see if it contains any fluoride. Although, I have never heard of it being a necessity. Most people just use tap water, or boiled water.

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