
Which breed of hamster should i buy and why?

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I have wanted a hamster for ages and now my mum's boss has gone on holiday and i am looking after her syrian but yesterday it bit my mum. She said if i look after this hamster really well i can have one of my own but i don't know which breed to get please help.




  1. Well, i think you should get a male hamster because females are very grumpy all the time and they bite too. they really don't like any one holding them unless you are really close to them. So unless you want to get bit all the time by a rodent you love then you should get the male.

  2. It depends.

    Syrian Hamster - Probably the most common type of hamster, this includes golden hamsters, fancy hamsters, standard hamsters, and teddy bear hamsters.  Excellent roasted or baked.

    Russian Dwarf Hamster - These are divided into two types, the Dwarf Cambells Russian and the Siberian or Dwarf Winter White Russian Hamster. Both provide excellent fur. Meat isn't all that tasty but could be used for pet food.

    Chinese Hamster - Sometimes referred to as "rat-like" hamsters, this is one of the smallest breeds of hamster, and less common than the Russian Hamsters. Small size makes it good in kebabs or stews. Strong tasting meat, definitely an acquired taste.

    Roborovski Hamster - This is the smallest type of hamster and also the least common. Useful as fishing bait but little else.

    Hope this helps.

  3. Any hamster as they are all good,it is how tame you get them no matter what type of hamster you have,don't forget don't over feed them and plenty of exercise and water.all breds of hamsters live until nearly 5 years old.

  4. dwarf hamsters are better as they live in pairs and they are smaller

  5. chinese hamsters tend to be the ones that bite more and if you get a male of female it doesn't matter as i have had males and females i found the male bit more x

  6. well you should get a dwarf hamster because i heard that if you get a regular one they eat other hamsters that are there same breed so and dwarf hamsters get along with each other

  7. dwarf hamsters are really cute

  8. ive had 6 hamster 3 syrian 3 roborovski i would say syrian there more interactive and friendly if you have them from when they're young i was bitten once by mine and it drew blood but tht was it just handle it regularly and wash your hands after eating/ touching food etc =]

  9. it doesnt matter too much, none of them live longer than a few years.

  10. get a couple of rats instead, they wont bite you like a hamster will

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