
Which broadband and free line rental talk?

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I am using TALK TALK for the moment and I am finding it very infuriating.. The only good thing is that I pay £20.00 (more or less) a month and I can call any land-lines and international for free... But the broadband is getting worse day by day... It keeps disconnecting and if there are two machines using it, it get slower than slow....

I have an eye for Tiscali as they have the same deal.... Any advice

I thank you in advance




  1. The reason it gets slower is because Talk Talk are "traffic shaping" the broadband. I'm afraid Tisacli does the same thing.

    You want an ISP who doesn't "traffic shape" so that you are always getting a constant high speed

    This comparison web site will explain and help you to choose a better ISP

  2. Traffic sharing will be the problem you are having with your broadband, however the WHOLE Internet is traffic sharing, that's how it works alas. - The broadband disconnecting is more of an issue, it should not disconnect it may get so slow you think it has but it should not. Have you checked the ADSL filters? - if not it's a good place to start.

    Switching service providers may help a little, as it will force the exchange to re calibrate the line. - mind you so would disconnecting the router for about 10 mins and plugging it back in!!

    Hope this helps?

  3. i changed to them and found that trying to get someone to answer a question was impossible i thought my previous supplier was c**p, but this does nothing for me at all.

    sad to say i actually think they are all the same, promise loads then just dump you once the contract has been signed.

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