
Which browser do you think is better?

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Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer?

I pick Firefox, but I need some opinions.




  1. My Opinion..IE !

  2. Firefox. I learned that I can do a lot more with Firefox.

    I can access more websites without problems with Firefox.

    Firefox has excellent color schemes that Explorer doesn't have.

    Firefox is generally more effective browser.

    Firefox causes far less problems than IE.

  3. Firefox 3 without a doubt. So many features makes websites rock.  

  4. It really depends on what you are looking for in a browser. Internet Explorer has been around for ages, and has the full support of Microsoft behind it. It is sleek and powerful, but on old(ish) computers that may slow you down a bit. Still, as the standard browser, you won't find many other negatives with it.

    Internet Explorer 8 Beta 1:

    Mozilla FireFox is a highly customizable browser. New themes and gadgets are realeased every week, and this gives a personal feel to it when viewing websites. Although it slows the comuter down, it isn't as bad as IE, though ona  fast computer, you won't notice much of a difference between the two.

    FireFox 3.0.1:

    Other options available are Opera Browser. This browser offers very limited customization features (only a colour change in fact), but because of this gives very fast browsing. it doesn't reequire as many resources as IE or FF, but it isn't very fun to browse in somehting that looks as out-of-date as it does.

    Opera 9.51:

    The final major browser is Apple Safari. In my opinion it it the fastest of the 4 browser and my personal favourite. It's style is bsed on the iTunes layout and it doesn't offer any customizability, but if you liek iTunes, you'll love this browser. It's major downfall is the fact that it doesn't render (load) webpages very well. This can become very irritating while browsing so most people don't give it a second thought. It does run very fast (even on slow computers) and has the fatsest startup time of all browsers. If you find that the pages you usually visit work fine on Safari, you won't have anything bad to say about it.

    Safari 3.1.2:

    So it really depends on what kind of person you are and what type of computer you have. You can't go wrong with IE or FF, but under stress, they perform slowly, Opera is a boring looking browser but can run where the other two can't, and Safari has problems with many webpages, but is much the fastest of them all. If Apple ever get the rendering process sorted, it would be my number 1 choice.

    Hope that helps.

  5. FireFox is alot more convienent and proven quicker at loading pages so yea go with firefox.

  6. Firefox for speed and expandability. Microsoft doesn't care about how expandable their programs are, and Firefox has a huge user base.

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