
Which businesses are performing poorly?

by  |  earlier

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Im doing my business coursework, and I need to choose a business that at present is not performing well. This can come under anything such as sales, staff treatment, customer care, not meeting expected profits etc.

So far I haven't been able to find a decent and well known enough brand - preferebly in the UK.

If anyone can help and give any of thier views/opinions that would be great.





  1. check the online business papers. For example DSG/Curries is 30% down on sales.

  2. Personally, I would pick a bank to cover.

    Barclays, for example -

    Royal Bank of Scotland (Covers Natwest) -

    There's a lot of scope for analysis of the 'credit crunch' here, and a lot of economics to tie into your coursework. From personal experience, I can tell you that tying as much economics as possible into it gets you good marks :D

    Good luck!

  3. the license trade is in big decline pub and club profits down up to 40% in some areas and many places closing

  4. Banks!

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