
Which cage do you think is better for five rats?

by Guest60819  |  earlier

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  1. Personally, I like the Ferret Nation cage better. I think my girls would love to live in it, but I don't have room for that large of a cage!

    Good luck choosing.

  2. I would chose which ever one you prefer-they both look like good cages

  3. I have the second one (Ferret Nation) for my 2 ferrets. It's be way too big for your rats and if they fell from a platform they could get seriously hurt.

    I'd get the first one.

  4. I think either one is fine, so I would probably go with whichever one is bigger.  Rats like a lot of space.  The olnly problem I see is that the first one appears to have some plastic parts, and rats can chew through plastic, given enough time.  I would also check the bar size to see if they can squeeze out, because they can squeeze through some pretty small spaces.

  5. The first one looks more appealing to me. There are more platforms (I think...) and you can always add your own interesting additions to the cage.

    As far as the hammocks, you can add your own by cutting and tying old t-shirts so they hang like a hammock. My girls have always loved their hammocks and the rat I have now sleeps in her hammock all the time. They are just difficult to clean, so I usually just throw the shirt every month or so.

    The rats will love anything you give them... but more floor space means more room to play!

  6. Second one, rats will love the hammock and it is perfect for eye view with the height!!!


  7. i say the second one but you should take the hammocks out so the urine smell wont stink when you walk in the door

  8. the first one...the rats wont go for the fabric hammocks, and they would be hard to get the urine smell out of....

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