
Which cage is better for a hamster...a Critter Trail or a Habitrail?

by  |  earlier

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I might be getting a new hamster and it's going to be a dwarf hamster. I have been looking at cages online at and I can't decide if I should get a Crittertrail cage or a Habitrail cage!!! Please help me!!!!!!!! Which cage do you have???? And which is better!!!???!!!




  1. i personally am a fan of Crittertrail cages.... the crittertrail 2 or 3 are best.  but,, as with any cage it has a fw undesireable features, but luckily these can be easilt modified=]  you see the water bottle the cage comes with?? crappy. so, i fix this problem in my cages by utting it off with an Xacto knife aprx 1cm BELOW the bulge it has, i use this to cap off the hole for it, regular hang on the side bottles ALWAYS work best =]

    second, the wheel.... thats c**p too =[ so i jut throw it out and get a SilentSpinner brand wheel=] pretty cheap, cool looking, hammys can run in it easily =]

    well, good luck and i hope u get a wonderfull cage and a wonderfull hammie thatll last u for 4 years or mor!!!

    PS: dont use pine or cedar bedding , use CAREFRESH or aspen, pine and cedar are bad for the hammys health =[

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