
Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

by  |  earlier

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Note: My last question was my annoying little sister's so ignore it, thanks~




  1. Egg, god made the egg and then it hatched

  2. The CHICKEN!! I debate this question cause its so dumb. You can't ask what came first the chicken or the egg because it would obviously be the egg because the dinosaurs can before chickens and then hatched from eggs. But in the question what came first the chicken or the chicken egg then its obviously the chicken because the egg would not be able to survive with out a chicken caring for it.  

  3. the egg,

    cause if you said the chicken came

    first then where did the chicken come

    before it was a chicken



  4. STOP ASKING THIS QUESTION. Nobody has made a breakthrough on the chicken/egg case yet!!!!!!

  5. The egg, but it had a dinosaur in it!

  6. No one knows. It's like the question does God exist? If so, where did he come from?

    No one has an answer. ^_^

  7. the chicken. G-D didn't create the egg first.

  8. You know what's odd is that no one ever mentions that the answer is in the wording of the question...

    Which came first THE CHICKEN or the always here people asking that question, and they never say "which came first the egg or the chicken"...

    So verbally, the chicken...the chicken always comes first!

    Think about that all you persons who degrade yourselves with questions like these...

  9. omg...ive seen this question about 4 times today....

  10. This question is getting sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo OLD...!

  11. Which came first? the chicken or the egg?

    Which came first? the chicken or the egg?

    When you see an egg and his brother,

    did you ever think about their mother?

    Which came first? The chicken or the egg?

    ------popular American novelty song circe 1930

  12. This question is sooooooo old!! Why not just leave this chicken/egg thing alone now?

    I think it's the egg..

  13. the chicken

    God created the chicken, and then the chicken laid the egg.

  14. the egg 2 diff species made a mixed animal tht wat i think how would it apear does god invent a chicken then poof it to the earths floor? it hard though no1 really know it will never be answered accept maybe if god really lives in heaven and he could tell you who the heck knows?

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