
Which came first --Religion or Dinosaurs?

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Do you think that nature created dinosaurs --or God created nature ,who created dinosaurs--then God realised nature had made an error--so God killed the dinosaurs off--took a break for a few million years , then allowed nature to start again from scratch?

Is nature God's idea of delegation?




  1. God created Dinosaurs.  He didn't make a mistake with them either.  

  2. Dinosaur fossils are nothing more than the trickery of Satan to lead you away from God.

  3. ye but where did god come from?

    i think that after the BIG BANG there was a tiny seed that took a while and evolved into creatures and then evolved into flesh (and veg) eating dinosaurs then monkeys evolved into humans! woop woop go monkeys!


  4. Religion is an invention of the higher primates, particularly Homo Sapiens, i.e., human beings. Dinosaurs predate the primates, ergo, the dinosaurs MUST have come before religion!

    I hate to say this but  the Tooth Fairy, Bogeyman, Sandman, Santa Claus and God are all fabrications of the human mind.

    But cheer up! We're all enlightened scientists these days!

  5. God is the beginning and the end and He created all things.  The dino's died out and God said for man to REPLENISH the earth 6,000 years ago (Genesis 1: 28 and the original Hebrew translation form the book of Strong's).  It states to replenish the earth, so there was something before.

  6. dinosaurs hhahahaha

    are you trying to be funny?

  7. nature created dinosoaures. simple as. nature killed them off.  

  8. Dinos.

  9. Dinosaurs didn't die out, they evolved into better things like birdies, alligators and dogs.

  10. God created dinosaurs.He made everything in 6 days.

  11. Probably religion. the creationists just unearthed a T-Rex prayer shrine built by the Dinos.

  12. God was and still is first

    everything else comes afterward.

  13. Dinosaurs! Silly. Based on fact not fantasy religion.

  14. God came first.

    And Dinosaurs have not died out.

    There are still alligators and other dinosaurs such as Hillary around.

  15. God is consciousness that shines in all beings, when dinosaurs roamed the earth the same consciousness was in the dinosaurs known as the self by instinct ,man idea of God is not the real definition, existence is grand and that needs consciousness to be known

  16. God doesn't exist.


  17. God created dinosaurs and even Job in the Bible saw dinosaurs. To think nature has any kind of creating power is something that has long ago been show to not be possible.

  18. this is one of the best question ever! lol

    i believe in Creation ex nihilo so in my opinion nature came first...

  19. wot is this 'nature' thing .. are humans not a part of it

  20. The main error in judgment you make is to think that "God" is a separate being with human faults sitting up there somewhere and managing world affairs, making mistakes and learning what not to do! The fact is, God is everywhere because God is all there is. "We live and move and have our being in Him."

    All that is seen comes from the unseen, and Life originally existed in the unseen (invisible) prior to the seen (visible) state.

    There are higher beings in Spirit who supervise the processes of life. You might think of it as being "Nature." We have much to learn about what brings the physical realm into being, but all in good time. One ought to also consider that in a few more billion years our solar system will be dissolved, I think it'll be a collision with another galaxy, as I recall reading.

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