
Which came first the chicken or the egg?

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Tyler W

yes it does. no duh




  1. Chicken! If the egg came first is would never hatch because there woudl be nothign to sit on it! Hehehe!

  2. EGG

  3. the chicken, god made it. then it laid eggs.

  4. chicken

  5. The egg.  

    Dinosaurs were laying eggs millions of years before anything resembling a chicken evolved.

  6. which way are you holding the chicken?

  7. KFC came first

  8. neither, the rooster came on the chicken egg

  9. The egg. A chicken-like animal laid an egg which evolved and transformed into a chicken.

  10. the chicken

    God created animals and they they reproduced as in made eggs! and even if you dont believe in creation then think about you think some creature came out of the oooze an turned into an egg??? I think not.

  11. The Chicken!!!! God made it!!!!!

  12. chicken i have one for u if a tree falls in no one is there to here it does it make a sound?

  13. This depends on whether you are a creationist or an evolutionist.

    If you are a creationist, you believe that God created all creatures, meaning that God created the chicken.

    If you are an evolutionist, you believe that animals evolve over time. This means a chickenlike creature evolved to create the chicken, thus laying an egg that would later become a chicken.

    Both ways, the chicken came first. :D

  14. It has to be the chicken.

  15. The egg. The animal that hatched from it had some type of gene mutation and turned out to be what we know to be a chicken.

  16. the Chicken

  17. uh... i have to say that is absolutly the trickiest question to answer if you are a non religious person other then _ "What is the Meaning of Life?"

  18. I always put he eggs last so they don't get crushed.

  19. neither. the dinosaurs came first

  20. chicken-a male and a female

  21. Chicken, God made it first. Ha!

  22. Egg, because it evolved from dinosaurs.

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