
Which came first; the chicken or the egg?

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I've read previous answers, and they state that the egg came first (if you follow the route of evolution) because of the dinosaurs. But, now where did the dinosaurs come from? They came from eggs, so where did the egg come from? God?

What's your opinion on this unanswerable question.




  1. It would be biologically impossible for the egg to come first - it has no genitals !

  2. As i get them from the same place, neither of them. The supermarket came first. Then the Chicken, then the egg. Or it might have been the other way around.

  3. according to the Bible the chicken came first.  God created the chicken and it laid the egg  so the next chicken could come and it laid an egg so the next chicken could hatch and it laid an egg ......................

  4. if ur cathlic its egg

    if u don't belive in God egg

    THE ANSWER IS ALWAYS EGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. The chicken is the product of the evolution of some animal-not yet-hen through small changes caused by a combination of male and female DNA or the DNA mutation that produced the first cell of chicken (a zygote). These changes and mutations began only when the new cell was formed. Therefore a pair of non-hens and DNA in their new cell zygote contained mutations that produced the first real chicken. Prior to the first real cell chicken there were only non-chickens. The cell zygote is the only place where DNA mutations could produce a new animal and cell zygote is formed into the a non-chicken. Therefore, the egg came before the chicken

  6. If you believe in God, then the chicken was created first by God. If you believe in Buddism, then you simply want to make peace with whichever creature currently exists. If you are Muslim, the chicken came first and was created by Allah. If you are Atheist, then the egg came first, not because that's logical but because atheists look for reasons to p**s everyone off in general whenever possible. If you are Hindu, then all of life is a circle so it doesn't matter.

    Hence,the answer is that the rooster came first,because chickens don't exist and eggs are just a hoax.

  7. chicken because how did the egg came and God made the chicken.

  8. The chegg came first

  9. ahhhhh! how many more times are people going to ask this question!!??

  10. The chicken came first. To quote the Genesis 1:20 and Genesis 1:22 And God said "Let the water teem with living creatures,and let birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the sky."...God Blessed them and said, "Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the water in the seas, and let the birds increase on the earth"

    Genesis 1:20-The creation of birds (the chicken included).

    Genesis 1:22-The blessing of being able to increase in number (the egg.

    This shows that God first made the chicken, then gave it the gift of the egg.

  11. Egg.

  12. Eggs I guess. Many female animals have eggs in the v****a, not only the hens.

  13. Whoever was on top...

  14. the chicken , we know a egg can't come

  15. the egg

    It all started with the big bang and I think that the living creature is  an accident by nature...

  16. Who cares ?? fry em both up and lets eat.

  17. The egg came first.  The closest ancestors to chickens are dinosaurs.  So I believe that a chicken-like dinosaur could've laid the first chicken egg.  

    I am a Catholic, but I know that the story of Adam and Eve is only symbolic, so it doesn't challenge the theory of evolution, which I believe in also.  I believe that God created the dinosaurs and all the first species of animals, but over the years they have made adaptations.  These adaptations are what we see today.

  18. Egg...see link ;)

  19. the first bird that evolved into what we would call a chicken, probably in prehistoric times, must have first existed as an embryo inside an egg

    SOOOOOO there fore EGG!

  20. If you believe that God created all living things on the earth then it has to be that He created a live chicken first.

  21. The chicken did. How would the egg have hatched if noone had warmed it and sat on it?

  22. I'm gonna go with chicken.

  23. they were created simutaneously.  we all are afterall a part of the matrix. mere algorithmic functions intricately designed for an unknown cause.

  24. This is a really  interesting question.....but i think no one is 100% accurate with their answer even if they choose one of the option.

  25. a team made up of a geneticist, philosopher and chicken farmer claim to have found an answer. It was the egg.

    the first bird that evolved into what we would call a chicken, probably in prehistoric times, must have first existed as an embryo inside an egg.

  26. Niether, god does not exist. Evolution is what created the chicken. Therefore, the chicken as we know it today came before the egg as we know it today. Each gereration is slightly different from the last one. This means that the modern chicken came before the modern chicken egg.

  27. The egg by a million years

  28. you are all wrong, paxo stuffing came first, then the chicken then bacon, then the egg

  29. the chicken came first because God created all animals!!!

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