
Which came first? the great depression or the dust bowl?

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Which came first? the great depression or the dust bowl?




  1. the depression...the stock market crash caused the great depression..and everyone's stocks became worthless and they were unable to afford food and other suppiles........(the stock market crash was known as black tuesday)and then the dust bowl happended(the dust bowl was known as blacksunday)

    ---hope i helped

  2. right o with nick, there were different factors that played in the great depression like the stock market crash in 29 oct 1929 then the dust bowl so dust bowl happened during the depression lets say it contributed to the great depression

  3. depression started as early as '28. Dust bowl happend in 1930 and carried on for quiet awhile I think.

  4. Al would have called it global warming but he was not there to say so

  5. Depression, during the depression, the dust bowl was happening.

  6. The dust bowl didn't have anything to do with the depression. It just happened to come together at the same time for the perfect storm.

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