
Which camera do you thing is the best option, Sony Alpha A200, Nikon D40 or Canon Rebel XT.?

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I am starting on photography and I will start training in a few weeks and I want a nice camera, but I want a DSLR which one tdo you think is the best and why ??????????????????




  1. If your starting on photography I would not go with sony or alpha. The reason is because as you get pro, you are going to want the more expensive equipment, and if you purchase Canon or Nikon(the big boys) then you can use lenses and other accessories that you have on a less pro outfit later. In my personal opinion the Nikon would be the better choice. It is a Semi-pro camera and has great funtionality. The Canon is great too, but the XT is more consumer grade. Now is really the time to choose which company you want to go with. Both are great, but once you start sinking money into them, you will most likely stay with that company. If you need information on learning how to do photography, since you are starting out, there is a great site called Hobo Publishing that does tutorials.

    Good luck to you, I hope you choose a winning camera!

  2. The Nikon D40 is missing some crucial functions such as no auto bracketing and others.

    Canon is the most expensive system to buy into.

    Sony has a limited range of lenses.

    Check out at the Pentax system.

    Lens quality is far more important than the make of camera.

    You really can't tell which make of camera took the shot, good lens quality stands out a mile. Pentax has made some of the best lenses ever! and you can use them all on your DSLR even if they were made 40 years ago and available cheaply, plus they all have anti shake cos its built into the camera not the lens.


  3. Nikon D40, you cant use auto focus on all lenses, only AF-S lenses, Canon, you can use all their lenses, even their $10,000 lenses!!!!

    Of course you will never buy that, but its nice to know all the crappy and good lenses will fit...unlike nikon

  4. i have the canon rebel xti, but i prefer nikon d40 because nikon pictures are clearer.

  5. I have the Rebel XT and shot over 20,000 shots already with it.  Of course, the quality depends a lot on the lens too.

    However, if you can afford it go one step above and get the canon 40D twice the speed and resolution and not that much more expensive

  6. I'd go with the Canon Rebel XT

  7. The Canon Rebel XT is good camera but it's just a good camera. Nikon D40 is the best choice out of the 3.

  8. Here we have a young lady who tells us plainly that she is "starting on photography" and she is getting answers that include $10000 lenses.  

    Sony's lenses are not as limited as one writer thinks.  That is especially true when you consider that this young lady is probably not searching out specialized lenses, but wants a camera for enjoyment.  On the $10000 Canon lens, I would bet that you can count on one hand the number of people in the US who have bought that lens in the last two years.  

    My advice is to get the camera that your pocketbook can afford.  You should look at all brands:

    Nikon, Canon, Pentax, Olympus, Sony, Panasonic and others.  

    Figure out what features you like and get the camera that has the most of them.  

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