
Which campaign promises have the congressional Dems delivered on for their constituents?

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They've had 2 years now...I sure hope they aren't promising the stuff they already haven't delivered.




  1. In U.S. Politics it is easier to block legislation from passing then to actually get things done.  Since there is a Republican president who finally discovered the power of veto in year the Dems took over, and they have only a one-seat margin in the Senate, it is hard to get things passed.  This is what you would call a gridlock government.  I wouldn't say either party is fully in charge now.

  2. Not many and thatg's a fact.  I'm hoping that Obama wins along with sevral more Democrats for the house and Senate and they throw out Pelosci!  She has been the worst majority leader - unable to pull her own party together.  Any majority leader with a spine and the ability would have had Bush/Cheney impeached and standing trial by now.

    Obama isn't going to put up with that kind of weakness and laziness.

  3. Hope you weren't expecting anything from the democrats other than hot air. That's all the can deliver.



  4. How can they deliver on them when big idiot is sitting at the top with his veto pen?

  5. They promised to raise the minmum wage and they did that.

  6. Among other things, they raised the minimum wage, implemented the 9/11 commission recommendations, and passed ethics legislation despite republican fillibustering.

  7. the Republicans are blocking the Democrats from getting anything done.

  8. None..but the very audacity of the Democrats makes this a moot point

    John McCain and Sarah Palin will give the Obama*Biden team a run

    I am looking forward to the bounce factor and the also will

    have to do with voter fraud and who can cheat the honest

    cheating is just a way of life in politics...good race..for POTUS

  9. The president threatens vetoes while the republicans filibuster like petulant children throwing a fit if they don't get what they want.  So the democrats have had a couple of nasty road blocks.    

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