
Which campaign slogan do you like best?

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the real question is... which slogan do you think the average joe would react positively to if they were to see it on a white T-shirt, written very carefully and neatly in tulip paint....

~It's Time to Take OUR Country Back. Vote NO to Greed, Coruption, and Lies.

~Representing We The People through Honesty, Integrity and Constitutionality

~Pissing off government since 1978.

~We Have About As Much Chance of Electing ___In 2008 As the Patriots Did Of Overthrowing Their Government in 1776... And For The Same Reasons

~Remember the Constitution?

~Keep Email Untaxed

~Protect Our Borders, Not Iraq's

~_____for president! He promises to leave you alone!

~What part of "shall not be infringed" does your candidate not understand?

~Ignore your rights and they will go away. will be on the back.




  1. Sarcastic question is this if not have one more suggestion. The Nation Which Fights The U.N. Fights The World. Make The U.N. Strong And Equal. Liberty,Truth, Justice For All.

  2. Protect our borders not Iraq's

  3. Pissing off government since 1978

  4. ~_____for president! He promises to leave you alone!

  5. Ignore your rights and they will go away. Btw alot of these are too long.

  6. "Oh, Get Real!!! Like Jesus would EVER own a gun or vote Republican!!!"

  7. Same old ****..different!

  8. pissing off the government since1978. or _____for president! he promises to leave you alone!!!!

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