the real question is... which slogan do you think the average joe would react positively to if they were to see it on a white T-shirt, written very carefully and neatly in tulip paint....
~It's Time to Take OUR Country Back. Vote NO to Greed, Coruption, and Lies.
~Representing We The People through Honesty, Integrity and Constitutionality
~Pissing off government since 1978.
~We Have About As Much Chance of Electing ___In 2008 As the Patriots Did Of Overthrowing Their Government in 1776... And For The Same Reasons
~Remember the Constitution?
~Keep Email Untaxed
~Protect Our Borders, Not Iraq's
~_____for president! He promises to leave you alone!
~What part of "shall not be infringed" does your candidate not understand?
~Ignore your rights and they will go away. will be on the back.