
Which can you do on a serve? Block or spike? Or neither?

by  |  earlier

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I always thought it was spike only.




  1. It is not legal to attack a serve (i.e. block or spike).

  2. No, you only can receive a serve, no block or spike on a serve. You can bump a serve or 'set' a serve on emergency situation.

  3. both

  4. I kknow you can't block a serve. idk about spike

  5. You can not connact the ball above the height of the net on a serve recieve first contact with any potential intent to put it back on the other side.  So to answer your question, you can do neither.

  6. Neither. You are only allowed to bump a serve.

  7. I have gotten plenty of volleyball awards, blocking and spiking was not permitted. (I got called on it every time)

  8. neither

  9. Neither!  When you are recieving a serve you can only pass the ball (bump)

  10. I don't know if you can block but you can spike.

  11. another volleyball question!

  12. u CANT block a serve I know for sure but I don't know about spikeing.GoOd lUck!

  13. none, you have to PASS the ball first, then get the setter to set it, and spike.

  14. You cannot block or spike a serve in volleyball.

    USA volleyball rule book page 41 section 14.6.3  for blocking a serve

    USA volleyball rule book page 39 Section 13.2.4 for spiking a serve

    Both spiking and blocking an opponets serve is a fault, so don't do either :o)

    I'll be honest though, when playing reverse coed it is fun for us high jumping men to block serves on the womens net :o) when in the lead or frustrated!!!

  15. you cant contact the ball above the plain of the net on the fist contact of a serve... so basically no.

  16. When you are returning a serve the first contact cannot be a block or a spike.

  17. When you are serving, you can spike.  If someone is serving you, you can spike.  You can also block.

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