
Which candidate - Obama or McCain - is more likely to "end divisiveness" in our politics?

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Or, is it even possible? thanks.




  1. Obama...he doesn't play "old politics" like Old McSame.

  2. Obama

  3. McCain by far.

    He keeps "reaching across the isle" which is very annoying to conservatives, but notice that democrats never do that.  They call it "bipartisan" when republicans come to their side and give in to their principles.

    Obama is bringing back the old ways of conducting politics.  The identical ones that gave us nuts like Jimmy Carter.  He's nothing new and offers nothing new.  He's heavily supported by special interests and everything he believes in is politics as usual.  He tells his "followers" that he's for "change" and "hope" but he's not for either.

    McCain's VP pick shows he's trying to end "divisiveness."  Palin would not have been my pick, but she's definitely a breath of fresh air.  Unlike the democrats with Biden, who's a corrupt lying old school politician and a proven plagiarist.  Actually Obama's a plagiarist too, but who's counting?

  4. Neither.  Divisiveness is a good thing.  It brings out all sides to an argument and gets it out there for the public to see and make their judgements.  People that want a concensus government should look into North Korea

  5. We have seen here that the only thing Obama inspires is hate and racism

  6. Ron Paul.

  7. McCain.

    As Joe Lieberman pointed out last night, McCain has a record of reaching across the aisle. Obama NEVER HAS.

  8. McCain, because he has a proven record of reaching out to and working with the democrats (an example is campaign finance reform).  In his entire Senate career, Obama has not ONCE reached across the aisle to work with the Republicans.  Not once, what does that tell you?

  9. Senator Obama defended Palin's daughter; McCain voted against MLK as a Federal Holiday. Obama reaches across the aisle; McCain attempts to widen the gap.

    Obama-Biden 08

  10. I don't know if it's possible.  McCain has done it some in the past.  

  11. Neither

    Obama is NOT going to unite anything.  He will be totally divisive.  He is a LEFT Wing LIBERAL.  

    God bless the NRA and McCain

  12. McCain has voted with his party 88.1% of the time which shows he is able and does work with Democrats where Obama has voted with his party 97% of the time which means he has voted with Pelosi and Reid 97% of the time and Obama has split the Democrats right down the middle so you decide.

  13. Obama.

  14. Not possible. Let me re-phrase. It is possible McCain can get things done in Washington. Outside of that, forget it. The far left is calling for the death of all conservatives by way of brain tumors or anything else that is horrible. As long as the far left is there, divisions will be there. They were throwing bleach on the delegates in St. Paul. These anti-American loons need to be locked away and forgotten about.

  15. Obama's candidacy started divisiveness. We were not so divided before the Dem primary elections.  

  16. If McCain wins the presidency, America will still be divided. Obama 08

  17. Sarah Palin. Thats who!


  19. McCain will try...

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