
Which candidate chose a VP that represents change?

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Which candidate chose a VP that represents change?




  1. McCain is the only one

  2. President Obama and the First Lady choice Biden and his wife Jill.

    Obama & Biden represents CHANGE.

  3. McCain launched his Hillary ad to p**s off Hillary fans then choose this new woman who has less experience than Obama. He is still his idea of change because McCain wants Obamas votes and realized his policies arnt working in today's America.

  4. McCain,Obamas change is a joke.

  5. Sarah Palin, in a short career, has already gained a reputation as what Newt Gingrich calls "the most interesting reformer in Republican politics".  Her entire career so far is change - while Obama only talks about it.  

  6. Sarah Palin is the best choice that McCain could have chosen so much for Obamas change message. The only one with executive experience  

  7. Change for the worse?  That would be McCain.  

  8. Obviously McCain.  I'm not crazy about McCain, but what little I know about Palin's views I like.  Anti-gov corruption, anti-pork spending, that's change I can believe in!  And she's already done it in Alaska.  h**l, I'm starting to wish she was the headliner of the ticket!

    Obama's "change," just like his "hope" are nothing but abstract ideas, with no specifics, NEVER any specifics.  He says what he thinks most people want to hear, but never says HOW he would do it.  The reason is the specifics would illustrate that his "change" would be Marxist Socialism, something many in this country unfortunately would be fine with, but the majority definitely would not.

  9. Only in the fact that his VP is a woman.

    Otherwise she is just another member of Bushco.

    Same old tired policies.

  10. McSizzle

  11. Apparently to some Messiah Supporters (Obama Supporters), the man that has been in congress longer than I have lived is the change agent.

  12. McCain

  13. Neither... and neither candidate themselves represents a true change in any stretch of imagination.


    What makes Palin want change? She completely supports the Bush Administration! Just because she's 44 years old and only served 9 years in elected office, doesn't mean she's for change!

  15. McCain, obviously.

  16. Obviously McCain. Joe Biden is an old-school Washington insider.

  17. McCain. Easy and hands down.

  18. MCCAIN

  19. McCain for sure

  20. John McCain!

  21. i didn`t like McCain that much, but i must admit that he is doing a change we can believe in. He is delivering obama`s promises of change

  22. Biden is one of the ones we've been waiting for, though.

  23. McCain...we've never had a Vice President that wants to further addict our country to oil! I'm so glad that John McCain's pick wasn't at all impulsive and a desperate attempt to sucker disgruntled Hillary supporters. I'm also glad that everyone who likes Sarah Palin as his running mate knew who she was before this morning.

  24. Franklin Roosevelt.

  25. its a flip flop Obama represents change, chose a vp that is not change , Mccain does not represent change his vp does, quite a paradox.

  26. McCain chose Palin. That is change!!!! We won't be stuck with more lawyers in Washington.

  27. McCain for change! Look out corruption, Palin will ferret you out!

  28. McCain i suppose.

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