
Which candidate is for g*y marriage;;?

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who is for g*y marriage?;;

obama or mccain?

i need this for a project.

thanks in advance!




  1. None of them, although some like McCain and Palin wish to make it against the law.

    So much for:

    "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."


    "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;"

    Seems some are only equal in Gods Eyes, not Republican eyes.

    The stance is Unconstitutional, and un-American as well.

  2. Neither are for g*y marriage, but are for Civil Union

    BUT McCains new VP voted for constitutional amendment banning g*y marriage.

    So it would be stupid for g**s/lesbians to vote for McCain/Palin

  3. Well, McCain says he'd leave it up to the states ( hes just syain that for the social cons he'd legalize g*y marriage otherwise), and his buddies Arnold and and Lieberman are for it. Plus his good buddy Lindsey Graham may be g*y, hes single after all, he also talks kinda effeminately ( I know that doesn't mean hes g*y). Or maybe hes just single. Lastly McCains actually talked to the log cabin republicans before.

    Judging by what the terminator did, if you want g*y marriage vote republican.

  4. Neither Obama nor McCain support g*y marriage.

  5. Obama is for civil unions between people of the same s*x. Not sure about "g*y marriage"; but I have heard speak of civil unions.

    McCain is not for g*y marriage or civil unions between folks of the same s*x that I am aware of.

    Best of luck to your project.

  6. OBAMA.

  7. i think that farty old guy mccain.

  8. obama

  9. Neither one approves of guys taking it up the butt. Put that in your report.

    And Arielle, are you really "sad" that neither one talked about it? Are ya gonna cwy?

  10. Neither.  Both agree to a civil union though.   ***

  11. McCain is a republican which automatically throws out any open-mindedness of g*y marriage (not all republicans are this way however) but Yes, Obama is the candidate that is most tolerable of g*y-marriage and same-s*x relationships.  He believes that people who are partners with another same s*x member and aren't "family" as written in the code book should still be able to visit a sick partner.  

  12. One of Palin's first acts of governor was to veto a law that would have taken away the rights of g*y couples as far as state benefits go- virtually allowing state benefits to go to g*y couples. I don't believe she is for g*y marriage but she seems to be for civil unions.

  13. um, sadly none of them actually talked about what the would do to help homosexuals via the marriage situation.

  14. obama doesn't believe in g*y marriage, but he does believe that g*y civil unions should have the same legal rights as straight marriages. like seeing your partner if he's in a hospital

    mccain doesn't believe in it

  15. i think its Obama but, hes the worst mistake this country can make if elected ...

    In all honesty, he doesnt have the experience or knowledge to take care of America!

  16. Obama is ok with g*y marriage.

    McCain is ok with deserting his invalid wife and cheating with the help.

  17. Obama believes they should be allowed to visit a love one in the hospital without being bashed.....McCain and Palin....are against it

  18. Who cares, and I hope your project goes well.  

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