
Which candidate is less likely to raise my taxes?

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I make $80K year. Which candidate is less likely to raise taxes for people in my income bracket?




  1. Obama if you make less then $250,000. Biden stated last night that 99% of Americans will get a tax break. With McCain`s tax plan you will have to wait for trickle down economics.

  2. Obama.

    If my taxes go up under Obama, I will be thrilled.  That will mean I am pretty darn well off and can afford the higher taxes and won't even notice it.

    Don't be fooled by the lies trom the Republicans and Conservatives.  All of the tax cuts will not expire.  Only the wealthiest of Americans will see an increas in their taxes.

    And oddly enough, they are not the ones complaining.

  3. McCain.

    Obama GUARANTEES to raise your taxes.

    You're "rich" to him.

    Incidently, if anyone tries to be clever by pointing out that CONGRESS raises taxes, is a Democrat controlled congress going to do WHATEVER Obama says if he's elected?

  4. McCain.

    According to Obama, you are the rich and must have your income redistributed.

  5. Depends on how you value your money.  Obama will increase your income tax so you'll lose more each month.  McCain will devastate the economy so your dollar's buying power will be weak.

    Which would you prefer?

  6. They both claim that they will lower your taxes if you make 80k

  7. 80k?  I wouldn't worry about tax increases or help with tax cuts either. You don't make enough money.

  8. Congress sets the tax rate not the President.

  9. Obama...see Truthseekers link. Very informative

  10. Obvious, McCain

    Ahh no sam.

    Obama wants to let the Bush tax cuts expire which will effect EVERYONE. not just those over 250k. he wants to let them expire, AND raise taxes on people over 250.

    oh for gods sake, liberals are such sheeple, if they let the Bush tax cuts expire... all your taxes will go up. no matter what you make.

    FACT 1 BARACK will let the bush tax cuts expire.

  11. Obama will cut taxes to 90% of the tax payers. Look it up.

  12. No brainer -- McCain.

  13. McCain.

  14. McCain, Obama already said he is raising taxes!

  15. Neither.

    McCain wants to keep the tax breaks for the wealthiest so at $80K you get nothing.

    Obama wants to reverse the Bush tax cuts and make those earning more than $250K pay slightly more in taxes so at $80K you'll lose nothing.

    However, if both are honest and if both say they want to once again balance the federal budget and eliminate the federal deficit, then tax increases of some kind will have to be used.  McCain claims he can balance the budget without tax increases (he's delusional).  Obama won't rule it out down the road.

  16. What world have you been living in.  Obama has made no bone about it he is going to raise your taxes through the roof.

  17. McCain

  18. At 80K, McCain would not raise your taxes at all, Obama would raise them a negligible amount.  Depending on deductions you would see anywhere from nothing to $20 a paycheck tax increase.  If you make less than $128K/yr you didn't get most of the tax cuts.  They targeted the top 10-15% of the earners.

  19. I would say McCain, Obama wants universal health care, nation civilian security force (just as power and well funded as the military) countless other governmental programs that all sound very expensive to me.

    So unless Obama starts taxing the 'very wealthy' at 99%, in which case they wouldn't be very wealthy any more, i don't see how he is going to pay for all of his programs without raising taxes on almost everyone.

    Also he is going to tax business, especially small business. Which means you are most likely going to be paying taxes without getting a tax increase. His windfall profit tax will push up the price of gas to, so regardless of your tax bracket, you will be paying more for his taxes.

    Next time you hear one of his speeches, about policies, listen to what he says. Almost all of his solutions is another government agency or taxing the rich to give to the poor.  

  20. If your employer provides healthcare: Obama is less likely to raise your taxes.  McCain will raise them.

    If not, neither will raise your taxes.

    It seems like people here are either just wildly guessing or just saying the name of their candidate.   Under the tax plans of both candidates, someone making $80,000 would have a modest *reduction* in their taxes:  between 1 and 2%.  So neither.

    However, if your employer provides health care, the McCain plan would now count that as taxable income.  So what is currently $80,000 would actually be considered more for tax purposes, so your taxes would increase.   If you have employer-based healthcare, your taxes would be lower under Obama.

  21. Obama said that he will roll back the tax cuts for those who make 250,000 and over, so that would mean that you wouldn't have your taxes raised under him.

    McCain wants to lower taxes for the top two percent earners, but he will have to get taxes from somewhere.  I am not so clear on how he plans to do that though.

    I don't think it matters who wins, we have an astounding deficit and if anyone wants to chip a dent into it every ones taxes will be raised.  Unless, the government decides to actually make cuts, and when is the last time that has happened?  Not under a republican or a democrat.

  22. Senator McCain.

  23. Depends on your situation.  If you make more than $250k, Obama will raise your taxes.  If you have a job with health insurance, McCain will raise your taxes.

  24. McCain..

    Once Obama lets Bush's tax cuts expire your taxes will instantly go up..

  25. Obama. Look it up.

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