
Which candidate thinks babies are punishment and would be okay with killling his grandchild.?

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Obama thinks babies are punishment, and stated that if his daughter made a mistake he would encourage an abortion to kill his own grandchild. What a classy guy.




  1. Emphamiz obviously is not a grand parent.  A mistake?  Anyone old enough to have s*x knows what the consequences might be.  Ever heard of protection or self control?  Obviously those are not important when you have killing a child as a backup plan.  I would tell my child if she was under 18 that she d**n well would have the baby and i would raise it.

  2. Yeah well people should take responsibility for their own actions instead of killing innocent babies that did nothing wrong.

  3. I bet some people would still vote him father and grandfather of the year!  

  4. If she were raped it would be punishment.

    Newsflash, not everyone wants or looks at a child in their life as a blessing. Some people don't want children and shouldn't be forced to have kids just because they made a mistake.  

  5. I suggest that you spend a couple of days riding city buses and subways observing all those pregnant little girls who have to schlep their new babies all over the place and ask yourself if either mother or child looks like they are having a good time.

    For those young girls pregnancy and babies are a form of punishment because it almost guarantees that both mother and child will spend much of their lives living in poverty and consequently never reach their full potential as human beings.

  6. yep!

    watch that, thats his speech the other night that the media DIDNT show you! this is the real speech, he says the democrats are out to destroy america and that even he will secretly vote for mccain. watch it, this is great!

    let me know what you think of it!

  7. yawn..

    Come up with something better.

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